Universidad de Jaén

Menú local

Syllabus 2023-24 - 14512005 - Management of Telecommunication Networks (Gestión de redes de telecomunicación)

  • Level 1: Tutorial support sessions, materials and exams in this language
  • Level 2: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams and seminars in this language
  • Level 3: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams, seminars and regular lectures in this language
DEGREE: Grado en Ingeniería telemática (14512005)
DEGREE: Doble Grado Ing. de tecnologías de la telecomunicación e Ing. telemática (15212031)
COURSE: Management of Telecommunication Networks
NAME: Management of Telecommunication Networks
CODE: 14512005 (*) ACADEMIC YEAR: 2023-24
OFFICE NO.: D - 135 E-MAIL: jemunoz@ujaen.es P: 953648543
WEBSITE: http://www4.ujaen.es/~jemunoz/
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7483-2964

Among the application protocols to be studied will be, among others, those that support network management. The functional areas of network management and management models will be studied. Likewise, an approach to management in virtualized networks will be carried out.

In this subject, students will be provided with the ability to keep up to date with the latest developments in science and technology, especially in this type of subject, so closely linked to such a dynamic environment as telecommunications, and specifically Telematics Engineering.

The theoretical block program is made up of three topics, with the structure that appears below.


Lesson 1. Introduction to network management.
Concept of network management.

Objective of network management.

Organizational structure of a network management center.

Evolution suffered by network management.

Resources used in network management.

Network management methods.

Architecture of a network management system.

Functional areas of network management.

Distributed network management.


Lesson 2. Internet network management.
Introduction to Internet network management.

Evolution of Internet network management.

Internet network management framework.

Structure of management information.

Management Information Bases (MIB).

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

Administrative framework.

Conclusions about SNMP.



Remote Network Monitoring (RMON).

Other models: Netflow, NETCONF, IPFIX


Lesson 3. Technologies and trends in network management
Network management technologies

Trends in network management

Software-defined networks (SDN).

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)


The objective of the proposed practices is the achievement of the established competences. In addition, communication skills for information, ideas, problems and solutions in the field of engineering and society in general will be developed through documentation delivery processes or oral presentations.

With regard to the organization of work, collaboration and teamwork will be encouraged through the design of the practices themselves.


Practice 1. Familiarization with management tools.
In this practice, a second approach to Network Management is addressed, this time through the use of management tools based on the SNMP protocol (Simple Network Monitoring Protocol), specifically the SNMP Management Agent for machines with Windows, Linux, and Cisco equipment, as well as a network manager called MIB-Browser. After carrying out its installation and configuration, the use of these tools will be proposed to practice with the monitoring and control methods, on various objects of the MIB-II.


Practice 2. Service for network management.
In this practice, the study of the SNMP protocol (Simple Network Monitoring Protocol) is addressed, through the capture of PDUs and the analysis of the content of the messages. In the following sections, it is proposed to capture information through monitoring and analysis of traps. In the third section, this information corresponds to objects of a standard Mib, the MIB-II, while in the fourth, the Mib used has been developed by Cisco.


Practice 3. Networks defined by software.
In this practice, an approximation to Network Management is addressed through the programming of applications that allow communication with management agents using the SNMP protocol. After carrying out its construction and deployment, the use of this tool will be proposed to practice with the monitoring methods on various objects of the MIB-II.


Practice 4. Virtualization of network functions.
In this practice, an approximation to the simulation of networks defined by software is addressed. In order to carry out tests in SDN environments we are going to resort to a network virtualization environment called Mininet. It does not have a graphical interface that facilitates interaction, but its easy installation as a virtual machine image, which has images of the SDN equipment to be virtualized, OpenFlow, and the POX controller incorporated, greatly facilitates familiarization with the tool.


Introduction to the Python programming language. Development environment.


The development of expository classes in large groups, as well as in small groups, will be focused on promoting quality teaching, prioritizing activities that promote inclusive and equitable learning (SDG-4).


Expositive classes in large group
The methodology to be followed in the large group expository classes will be a mixture of introductory activities, master classes and the presentation of theory and general examples in the classroom designated for the subject by the center. In addition to exposing the theoretical contents of the subject, the ability to collect and interpret data and manage complex concepts within Telematics Engineering will be developed and enhanced, in order to make judgments that imply reflection on ethical and social issues.

The student must follow the teacher's presentation with the material delivered for this purpose, whether they are notes or a slide presentation, which must be completed with their own notes and with the subsequent review of the basic and/or recommended bibliography.

Attendance, as well as active, respectful and responsible participation, either to raise doubts or to respond to the teacher's requirements or questions, will be evaluated positively in its corresponding factor.

The student's autonomous work should focus on reviewing the concepts and theoretical aspects seen in class, carrying out exercises, as well as studying them with the material provided by the teacher, student notes and bibliography.


Small group classes
The small group classes will be implemented through work sessions in the laboratory that will focus on the development of the applications, or learning tasks designated by the teacher, which culminate with the completion of the client or server applications, the objective of the practice, which will follow, throughout the course, a project-based learning methodology.

Thus, during the practical sessions, the work of design and implementation of the applications marked by the different practices must be carried out, in order to be able to count on the supervision of the teacher. In addition, work in a collaborative environment will be encouraged, as well as mixing with the communication of results

Attendance, as well as active, respectful and responsible participation, either to raise doubts or to respond to the teacher's requirements or questions, will be evaluated positively in its corresponding factor.

Regarding the autonomous work, it will focus on the preparation of the documentation to be delivered for each practice, as well as on completing the work started in the laboratory and that could not be finished in the corresponding session. Special emphasis will be placed on the need for their own continuous training and to undertake this activity independently throughout their professional life, as well as on the ability to keep up to date with the latest in science and technology, especially in this type of field. of subjects, so linked to an environment as dynamic as telecommunications, and specifically Telematics Engineering.

In addition, work in a collaborative environment will be encouraged, as well as the mix with the communication of results, with special emphasis on the need for continuous training typical of activities related to telecommunications throughout their professional life independently.


Collective tutorials
The collective tutorials will be used in the resolution of doubts, monitoring and supervision of the work and exercises, as well as in the attendance and participation in the different seminars planned in the subject, as well as talks, conferences, workshops and/or conferences, designated by the teacher, in order to complete and update the training and obtain general, transversal and/or specific competences defined for this activity, such as the value of continuous training, entrepreneurship or the review of technological innovations in the matter.

The attendance, as well as the active, respectful and responsible participation, in the aforementioned activities, will be evaluated according to the provisions of the evaluation system of this guide.

Students with special educational needs should contact the Student Attention Service (Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante) in order to receive the appropriate academic support


Overall evaluation
The Global Evaluation will be carried out according to the activities described in the "Methodology and activities" section, in addition to those described in the "Detailed description of the Global Evaluation" section, following the weights of each aspect detailed in the previous table.

The Global evaluation modality is divided into two parts:

The evaluation of the work during the school period, according to the tasks defined for this purpose.
Carrying out a FINAL TEST on the day set for the subject within the exam period.
The distribution of the weights for each evaluable aspect of the two aforementioned parts, and taking into account the activities described in the previous table, is as follows:




Periodo lectivo

Prueba final

Total por aspecto

S1 Asistencia y participación

10 %


10 %

S2 Conceptos teóricos de la materia

15 %

15 %

30 %

S3 Realización de trabajos, casos o ejercicios

15 %

15 %

30 %

S4 Prácticas de laboratorio/ordenador



30 %

Total asignatura

70 %







The qualifications obtained in an aspect during the academic period in the GLOBAL evaluation will be maintained until the end of the course.

Final test: At the end of the semester, on the day set for the subject within the exam period, there will be a final test of the theoretical part and exercises of the subject (aspects S2 and S3), in which the student must demonstrate who has acquired the competencies and learning outcomes established for these aspects. The weight of this test in the final grade will be 30% of the total for the subject, as reflected in the table "Global Assessment Weight Distribution", 15% corresponding to the S2 aspect and the other 15% to the S3 aspect. . The specific conditions, as well as the material and/or documentation that may be used in the final test will be those established by the person responsible for the subject.


Final evaluation
To pass the subject, the student body must obtain a grade equal to or greater than 5.0 out of 10 in the total calculation of the evaluated aspects, as long as a grade equal to or greater than 4.0 has been obtained in the final test and in the part of laboratory/computer practices (S4).

The student body will have the option to waive the GLOBAL evaluation, not being possible to return to it once the waiver has been made.


single test
In the SINGLE TEST modality, an exam will be carried out on the day set for the subject within the exam period, which will cover all the contents of the subject, ensuring that the student body has acquired the skills and learning outcomes established for the exam. same. The weight that will be assigned to each of its two parts will be the following:

Part 1. Attendance and participation, theoretical concepts of the subject and completion of work, cases or exercises (S1, S2 and S3): 70%.
Part 2. Laboratory/computer practices (S4): 30%.

The specific conditions, as well as the material and/or documentation that may be used in the Single Test will be those established by the person in charge of the subject.

To pass the subject, the student body must obtain a grade equal to or greater than 5.0 out of 10 in each of the two parts of this test.

Students who have passed aspect S4 of laboratory/computer practices of the subject through GLOBAL evaluation, with a grade equal to or greater than 5.0 out of 10, will not have to take Part 2 corresponding to this aspect in the exam, applying the same qualification obtained in the GLOBAL evaluation to said part.

The parts passed in each call will be kept until the end of the course


Detailed description of the Global Assessment.
For those students whose evaluation is carried out globally, it will be based on monitoring and carrying out the activities included in the four categories presented in the Evaluation System, which make up the total of the evaluable elements of the subject:

S1. Attendance and participation: 10%.
S2. Theoretical concepts of the subject: 30%.
S3. Carrying out work, cases or exercises: 30%.
S4. Laboratory/computer practices: 30%.
Each of these blocks will be detailed in the following sections.


S1 - Attendance and participation (10%)
In this section the competences will be evaluated: CB2, CB4, CB5, CG4 and CG9.

The positive evaluation of this section will mean that the student has achieved the following skills or learning outcomes: 27, 34 and 35.

This aspect will be valued taking into account the attendance and participation in large group lectures, small group classes (laboratory practices) and collective tutorials in which seminars are attended, or other activities organized by the Engineering Department of Telecommunications, the E. P. S. de Linares, or the University of Jaén and that are recommended by the professor responsible.

  • SNMP,SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2. Edition: 3rd ed. Author: Stallings, William. Publisher: Addison-Wesley.
    • Notes: Temas 1,2 Practicas 1,2,3,4,7
  • Guide to Security in SDN and NFV Challenges, Opportunities, and Applications . Edition: 1st ed. 2017.. Author: Zhu, Shao Ying. editor.. Publisher: Springer International Publishing.
    • Notes: Lesson 3, prac 7
  • Network programmability with YANG : the structure of network automation with YANG, NETCONF, RESTCONF, and gNMI . Edition: 1st edition. Author: Claise, Benoit, author.. Publisher: Addison-Wesley.
    • Notes: Prac 5
  • Network security with NetFlow and IPFIX : big data analytics for information security . Edition: 1st edition. Author: Santos, Omar, author.. Publisher: Cisco Press.
    • Notes: Lesson 3, prac 4
  • SNMP,SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2. Edition: 3rd ed. Author: Stallings, William. Publisher: Addison-Wesley.
    • Notes: Lessons 1,2. Prac 1, 2, 3, 4, 7

Metodología docente y actividades formativas


Actividades Formativas


Metodología docente Descripción

A1 - Clases expositivas en gran grupo.


Presencial al 50%

Sesiones de clases magistrales participativas, de una o dos horas de duración cada una, realizadas en el aula y retransmitiendo por videoconferencia al resto del grupo. Rotación periódica de estudiantes.

A2 - Clases en grupos de prácticas

Presencial al 50%


Desarrollo de las sesiones prácticas, de dos horas de duración cada una, en laboratorios aplicando la rotación en grupos reducidos del 50%.

- Retransmisión de clases prácticas al resto del grupo si los medios técnicos del aula lo permiten.

A3 - Tutorías Colectivas


Presencial  y Online

Las sesiones de tutorías, tanto colectivas como individuales, se realizarán de forma preferentemente online (síncrona y/o asíncrona).

Las sesiones de tutorías presenciales serán acordadas entre el responsable de la asignatura/grupo y el alumnado.



El cronograma podrá sufrir modificaciones, sobre todo en el cambio entre este escenario y el multimodal, para poder adaptarse a dichos cambios.


Sistema de evaluación

No hay cambios en el formato de evaluación (pesos de cada apartado) ni en lo especificado en la evaluación detallada.

Como resumen se añaden las siguientes tablas en las que se detalla el peso y formato de la prueba final en Evaluación Global:

Convocatoria ordinaria

Prueba de evaluación




Evaluación Global - Prueba final


Al finalizar el cuatrimestre se realizará una prueba final de la parte teórica de la asignatura (S2 y S3), en la cual el alumno deberá demostrar que ha adquirido las competencias y resultados del aprendizaje establecidos para dichos aspectos. El peso de esta prueba en la calificación final será del 50% de cada aspecto evaluado. El material y/o documentación que se podrá usar en la prueba final será el autorizado por el profesor.


(15% S2 y 15% S3)

Prueba única


En la modalidad de PRUEBA ÚNICA, se realizará un examen que abarcará todos los contenidos de la asignatura, debiéndose garantizar que el alumno ha adquirido las competencias y resultados del aprendizaje establecidos para la misma.

S1, S2 y S3: 70%

S4: 30%


Convocatoria extraordinaria

Prueba de evaluación




Evaluación Global - Prueba final



Al finalizar el cuatrimestre se realizará una prueba final de la parte teórica de la asignatura (S2 y S3), en la cual el alumno deberá demostrar que ha adquirido las competencias y resultados del aprendizaje establecidos para dichos aspectos. El peso de esta prueba en la calificación final será del 50% de cada aspecto evaluado. El material y/o documentación que se podrá usar en la prueba final será el autorizado por el profesor.


(15% S2 y 15% S3)

Prueba única


En la modalidad de PRUEBA ÚNICA, se realizará un examen que abarcará todos los contenidos de la asignatura, debiéndose garantizar que el alumno ha adquirido las competencias y resultados del aprendizaje establecidos para la misma.

S1, S2 y S3: 70%

S4: 30%



Dado que la presencialidad, tanto para las  Clases expositivas en gran grupo, como para las  Clases en grupos de prácticas, se ha establecido en el 50% se necesitará emplear los siguientes recursos:

Medios técnicos en el aula:

  • Infraestructura de videoconferencia en el aula o laboratorio que conste de sistema de captación de video y audio para su empleo en sistema de videoconferencia o aula virtual, como por ejemplo Google Meet.
  • Equipo PC o similar.

Medios individuales (alumnado en formato no presencial):

  • Equipo PC o similar.
  • Sistema de videoconferencia o aula virtual: como por ejemplo Google Meet o BigBlueButton.

Medios comunes (profesorado y alumnado):

  • Uso de herramientas interactivas: compartición de pantalla para empleo de comentarios a modo de pizarra virtual en presentaciones PDF.
  • Uso de la plataforma de docencia de la Universidad de Jaén: mensajería, foros, tareas, actividades y medios de evaluación.




Metodología docente y actividades formativas


Actividades Formativas


Metodología docente Descripción

A1 - Clases expositivas en gran grupo.

- Clases síncronas por videoconferencia.

No presencial

Se sustituyen las sesiones de clases magistrales presenciales participativas, de una o dos horas de duración cada una, por otras realizadas a través de Internet tales como:

- Clases por videoconferencia

- Visualización de videos con explicación de los contenidos teóricos

- Revisión de material interactivo sobre la materia. 

A2 - Clases en grupos de prácticas

No presencial

Se sustituyen sesiones prácticas por actividades formativas online, de dos horas de duración cada una, por otras realizadas a través de Internet tales como:

- Clases por videoconferencia

- Visualización de videos con explicación de los contenidos teóricos

- Revisión de material interactivo sobre la materia.  

A3 - Tutorías Colectivas


No presencial

Las sesiones de tutorías, tanto colectivas como individuales, se realizarán de forma completamente no presencial a través de medios online de manera síncrona y/o asíncrona.



El cronograma podrá sufrir modificaciones, sobre todo en el cambio entre este escenario y el multimodal, para poder adaptarse a dichos cambios.

Sistema de evaluación

No hay cambios en el formato de evaluación (pesos de cada apartado) ni en lo especificado en la evaluación detallada.

Como resumen se añaden las siguientes tablas en las que se detalla el peso y formato de la prueba final en Evaluación Global:

Convocatoria ordinaria

Prueba de evaluación




Evaluación Global - Prueba final

Online síncrono

Al finalizar el cuatrimestre se realizará una prueba final de la parte teórica de la asignatura (S2 y S3), en la cual el alumno deberá demostrar que ha adquirido las competencias y resultados del aprendizaje

establecidos para dichos aspectos. El peso de esta prueba en la calificación final será del 50% de cada aspecto

evaluado. El material y/o documentación que se podrá usar en la prueba final será el autorizado por el profesor.

Evaluación final


(15% S2 y 15% S3)

Prueba única

Online síncrono

En la modalidad de PRUEBA ÚNICA, se realizará un examen que abarcará todos los contenidos de la asignatura, debiéndose garantizar que el alumno ha adquirido las competencias y resultados del aprendizaje

establecidos para la misma.

S1, S2 y S3: 70%

S4: 30%


Convocatoria extraordinaria

Prueba de evaluación




Evaluación Global - Prueba final

Online síncrono

Al finalizar el cuatrimestre se realizará una prueba final de la parte teórica de la asignatura (S2 y S3), en la cual el alumno deberá demostrar que ha adquirido las competencias y resultados del aprendizaje

establecidos para dichos aspectos. El peso de esta prueba en la calificación final será del 50% de cada aspecto

evaluado. El material y/o documentación que se podrá usar en la prueba final será el autorizado por el profesor.

Evaluación final


(15% S2 y 15% S3)

Prueba única

Online síncrono

En la modalidad de PRUEBA ÚNICA, se realizará un examen que abarcará todos los contenidos de la asignatura, debiéndose garantizar que el alumno ha adquirido las competencias y resultados del aprendizaje

establecidos para la misma.

S1, S2 y S3: 70%

S4: 30%



Dado que toda la docencia, ya sea en las  Clases expositivas en gran grupo o en las  Clases en grupos de prácticas, se impartirá en de manera no presencial se necesitará emplear los siguientes recursos:

Medios telemáticos comunes (profesorado y alumnado):

  • Equipo PC o similar.
  • Sistema de videoconferencias o aula virtual, como por ejemplo Google Meet o BigBlueButton.
  • Uso de herramientas interactivas.
  • Uso de la plataforma de docencia de la Universidad de Jaén: mensajería, foros, tareas, actividades y medios de evaluación.







Institution in charge of data processing: Universidad de Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n, 23071 Jaén

Data Protection Delegate: dpo@ujaen.es

Purpose: In accordance with the Universities Law and other national and regional regulations in force, carrying out exams and assessment tests corresponding to the courses students are registered in. In order to avoid frauds while sitting the exam, the exam will be answered using a videoconference system, being able the academic staff of the University of Jaén to compare and contrast the image of the person who is answering the exam with the student's photographic files. Likewise, in order to provide the exam with evidential content for revisions or claims, in accordance with current regulation frameworks, the exam will be recorded and stored.

Legitimacy: compliance with legal obligations (Universities Law) and other national and regional regulations currently in force.

Addressees: service providers who are the owners of the platforms where the exams are carried out and with whom the University of Jaén has signed the corresponding data access contracts.

Storage periods: those established in current in force regulations. In the specific case of exam videoconference recordings, not before the examination records and transcripts are closed or the exam can still be reviewed or challenged.

Rights: you can exercise your right of access, amendment, cancellation, opposition, suppression, limitation and portability by sending a letter to the postal or electronic address indicated above. In the event that you consider that your rights have been violated, you may submit a complaint to the Andalusian Council for Transparency and Data Protection www.ctpdandalucia.es


Person in charge: Universidad de Jaén, Paraje Las Lagunillas, s/n; Tel.953 212121; www.ujaen.es

Data protection delegate (DPO): TELEFÓNICA, S.A.U. ; Email: dpo@ujaen.es

Procedure aim: To manage proper recordings of teaching sessions with the aim of facilitating learning process under a multimodal and/or online teaching

Period for record storage: Images will be kept during legal term according to regulations in force

Legitimacy: Data will be managed according to legal regulations (Organic Law 6/2001, December 21, on Universities) and given consent provided by selecting corresponding box in legal admission documents

Data recipients (transfers or assignments): Any person allowed to get access to every teaching modality

Rights: You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, portability, limitation of processing, deletion or, where appropriate, opposition. To exercise these rights, you must submit a written request to the Information, Registration and Electronic Administration Service of the University of Jaen at the address above, or by e-mail to the address above. You must specify which of these rights you are requesting to be satisfied and, at the same time, you must attach a photocopy of your ID card or equivalent identification document. In case you act through a representative, legal or voluntary, you must also provide a document that proves this representation and identification. Likewise, if you consider that your right to personal data protection has been violated, you may file a complaint with the Andalusian Data Protection and Transparency Council www.ctpdandalucia.es