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Syllabus 2021-22 - 14313005 - Advanced Telecommunication Services (Complementos de servicios de telecomunicación)
- Level 1: Tutorial support sessions, materials and exams in this language
- Level 2: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams and seminars in this language
- Level 3: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams, seminars and regular lectures in this language
DEGREE: | Grado en Ingeniería de telecomunicación |
ACADEMIC YEAR: | 2021-22 |
COURSE: | Advanced Telecommunication Services |
NAME: Advanced Telecommunication Services | |||||
CODE: 14313005 | ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021-22 | ||||
LANGUAGE: English | LEVEL: 2 | ||||
OFFICE NO.: D - 140 | E-MAIL: rviciana@ujaen.es | P: 953648652 |
WEBSITE: - | ||
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2545-7229 | ||
LANGUAGE: English | LEVEL: 2 |
Lesson 1. Introduction
Introduction to telecomunication services. MVC architecture for web applications. Client-side web technologies.
Lesson 2. Java EE Applications.
Web applications with servlet and JSP technologies. Interaction between web applications and databases. DAOs. Spring MVC framework.
Lesson 3. Network management.
Introduction. Network management protocols. SNMP managers and agents. MIB.
Lesson 4. Service Oriented Architecture.
Introduction. REST Services. Communications with Javascript. Websockets.
Lesson 5. Security in web applications.
Security protocols. Security mechanisms in web applications.
1.- Introduction to GitHub.
2.- Framework of web applications.
3.- Use of certificates.
Unit 1. Development of MVC web applications.
Unit 2. Development of REST applications.
Unit 3. Security in web applications.
Unit 4. Network management.
A1. Lectures in large groups.
They are based on the explanation of the theoretical concepts of the subject through lectures, alternating with the explanation of examples and problems. Students will be provided with teaching material through the Learning Management System (LMS) platform to follow the classes. This material must be completed by the student with their own class notes and consultations in the bibliographic resources. In addition, students will be provided with the ability to keep up to date with new developments in science and technology, especially in this type of subject, so closely linked to such a dynamic environment as telecommunications, and specifically Telematics Engineering, emphasising the need for continuous training throughout their professional lives. Likewise, the ability to collect and interpret data and handle complex concepts within Telematics Engineering will be developed and promoted, in order to make judgements that involve reflection on ethical and social issues.
A2. Practical groups classes
They take place in the laboratory,
and are based on the teacher's explanation of the practical
activities in the laboratory and the students' performance of them.
The student will be provided with teaching material and the script
of the reports to be developed through the LMS platform.
As regards autonomous work, this will focus on the
preparation of the documentation to be handed in for each
practical, as well as completing the work started in the laboratory
and which could not be finished in the corresponding session.
Likewise, collaboration and teamwork will be encouraged through the
design of the practicals themselves.
A3. Group Tutorials.
Group tutorials will be used to
give seminars on different topics related to the subject, to
clarify doubts raised by the students, as well as to attend and
participate in different seminars, talks, conferences, workshops
and/or conferences, designated by the teacher, with the aim of
completing the training and obtaining general, transversal and/or
specific competences defined for this activity, such as the value
of continuous training, entrepreneurship or the review of
technological innovations in the subject.
Students with special educational needs should contact the Student Attention Service (Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante) in order to receive the appropriate academic support
At the end of the four-month period, the students must choose between two assessment methods: : CONTINUOUS EVALUATION or FINAL EXAM.
This assessment method is organised according to the activities described in the previous table.
In order to pass the course, the student must obtain a grade equal to or higher than 5.0 out of 10 in the total computation of the evaluated aspects, as long as he/she has a grade equal to or higher than 4.0 in each of these aspects.
In the single exam mode, there will be an exam that will cover all the contents of the subject, guaranteeing that the student has acquired the competences and learning outcomes established for the subject.
This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the centre. The weight to be assigned to each of its two parts will be:
- Attendance and participation, theoretical concepts of the subject and completion of assignments, cases or exercises (S1, S2 and S3): 70%.
- Laboratory/computer practicals (S4): 30%.
Those students who have passed the laboratory/computer practicals part of the subject (S4) through CONTINUOUS assessment with a grade equal to or higher than 5.0 out of 10, will not have to take the part corresponding to this aspect in the exam, applying the same grade obtained in the CONTINUOUS assessment to this part.
In order to pass the course, the student must obtain a grade equal to or higher than 5.0 out of 10 in each of the two parts of this test.
The parts passed in each session will be maintained until the end of the course.
For those students whose assessment is carried out on a continuous basis, this will be based on the monitoring and carrying out of the activities included in the four categories presented in the Assessment System, which make up the total of the assessable elements of the subject:
- S1, Attendance and active participation (10%).
- S2, Theoretical concepts (30%).
- S3, Exercises, cases and exercise (30%).
- S4, Laboratory/computer practice (30%).
Each of these blocks will be detailed in the following subsections:
S1. Attendance and active participation (10%)
In this section the competences CG3, C12 and C14 will be assessed.
Attendance and participation will be taken into account by means of attendance control to practical classes, active participation in classes, and attendance to seminars or other activities organised by the Department of Telecommunication Engineering, E.P.S. of Linares or University of Jaén and recommended by the lecturer in charge of the subject.
S2. Theoretical concepts of the subject (30%)
In this section, competences C.12, C.14, C.7, CG.3, CG.6, TEL.2 and TEL.4 will be assessed.
The mark will be divided into two written tests throughout the term, and certain exercises associated with the practices of the subject.
S3. Completion of assignments, cases studies and exercises (30%)
In this section, competences C.12, C.14, C.7, CG.3, CG.6, TEL.2 and TEL.4 will be assessed.
The mark will be divided between proposals for exercises associated with the practical exercises (20%) and questions in the two written tests throughout the term on these exercises (10%).
S4. Laboratory and computer practicals (30%)
In this section, competences C.12, C.14, C.7, CG.3, CG.6, CG.9, TEL.2 and TEL.4 will be assessed.
The mark will be evaluated according to the implementation of the code of applications and services according to the practice scripts, as well as the correct delivery according to the required format and the capacity of oral communication of the ideas, problems and solutions related to the developed codes. The weight of each practical test will depend on the number of sessions required to perform it.
- Programación Java Server con J2EE edición 1.3: profesional. Edition: Ed. española. Author: -. Publisher: Madrid: Anaya Multimedia, D.L. 2004 (Library)
- SQL [Recurso electrónico] : practical guide for developers . Edition: -. Author: Donahoo, Michael J.. Publisher: Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier, c2005. (Library)
- Murach s JavaScript and jQuery Mary Delamater and Zak Ruvalcaba. Edition: 3rd Edition. Author: Delamater, Mary. Publisher: Knoll; Fresno : Mike Murach and Associates, 2017 (Library)
- SNMP,SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2. Edition: -. Author: Stallings, William. Publisher: Reading [etc.]: Addison-Wesley, 1999 (Library)
- Servlet, JSP & Spring MVC [Recurso electrónico] : a tutorial . Edition: -. Author: Kurniawan, Budi. Publisher: - (Library)
- Murach's Java servlets and JSP. Edition: 3rd ed. Author: Murach, Joel. Publisher: [Fresno, CA] : Mike Murach & Associates, cop. 2014 (Library)
- Web application security [Recurso electrónico] : a beginner's guide. Edition: -. Author: Sullivan, Bryan, 1974-. Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2012 (Library)
- jQuery Recipes [Recurso electrónico] : A Problem-Solution Approach. Edition: -. Author: Harwani, B. M.. Publisher: Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2010. (Library)
- Database programming with JDBC and Java [Recurso electrónico] . Edition: -. Author: Reese, George. Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. : O'Reilly, c2000. (Library)
- Hacking web apps [Recurso electrónico] : detecting and preventing web application security problems . Edition: -. Author: Shema, Mike. Publisher: Waltham, MA : Syngress, c2012 (Library)
- REST in practice [Recurso electrónico]. Edition: -. Author: Webber, Jim. Publisher: [S.l.] : O'Reilly Media, 2010 (Library)
Teaching methodology and learning activities
Learning activities |
Format |
Teaching methodology Description |
A1. Lectures with big group of students |
100% in person class |
Participatory master class sessions, lasting one or two hours each, held in the classroom. |
A2. Lectures with practical groups |
100% in person class |
Development of practical sessions, lasting two hours each, in laboratories. |
A3. Tutorial lessons |
100% in person class |
Tutorial sessions, both collective and individual, will be carried out preferably online (synchronous and/or asynchronous).
Tutoring sessions will be agreed between the person responsible for the subject/group and the students. |
The schedule can vary mainly due to the change from multi-modal scenario to the online one.
Evaluation system
There are no changes in the evaluation format (weights of each section) or in what is specified in the detailed evaluation.
Since the evaluation of the subject is continuous, there will only be an exam in the event that the student opts for the Single Test Evaluation, which is summarized in the following tables:
Ordinary call
Evaluation |
Format |
Description |
Percentage |
Final exam evaluation |
This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects of the subject, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the subject. This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the centre. |
S1, S2 and S3: 70% S4: 30% |
Extraordinary call
Evaluation |
Format |
Description |
Percentage |
Final exam evaluation |
This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects of the subject, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the subject. This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the centre. |
S1, S2 and S3: 70% S4: 30% |
Given that the attendance in the large group lectures and in the classes in practice groups is 100%, no exceptional resources are foreseen for them.
Teaching methodology and learning activities
Learning activities |
Format |
Teaching methodology Description |
A1. Lectures with big group of students. - Synchronous classes by videoconference. - Asynchronous classes based on videos and / or audiovisual content, forums, interactive material, etc
Online |
The sessions of participative face-to-face classes, of one or two hours each, are replaced by other activities carried out through the Internet such as: - Classes by videoconference or in virtual classroom - Review of content on the Internet (forums, - specialized websites) |
A2. Lectures with practical groups |
Online |
Practical sessions are replaced by online training activities, of two hours each, by other activities carried out through the Internet such as: - Virtualized or simulation activities. - Joint programming in videoconference sessions and through the use of collaborative programming tools (github, etc.)
- Visualization of videos with explanation of the practical contents. |
A3. Tutorial lessons |
Online |
-Tutorial sessions, both collective and individual, will be carried out preferably online (synchronous and/or asynchronous).
-Tutorial sessions will be agreed between the person responsible for the subject/group and the students. |
The schedule can vary mainly due to the change from multi-modal scenario to the online one.
Evaluation system
There are no changes in the evaluation format (weights of each section) or in what is specified in the detailed evaluation.
Since the evaluation of the subject is continuous, there will only be an exam in the event that the student opts for the Single Test Evaluation, which is summarized in the following tables:
Ordinary call
Evaluation |
Format |
Description |
Percentage |
Final exam evaluation |
This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects of the subject, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the subject. This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the centre. |
S1, S2 and S3: 70%, S4: 30% |
Extraordinary call
Evaluation |
Format |
Description |
Percentage |
Final exam evaluation |
This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects of the subject, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the subject. This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the centre. |
S1, S2 and S3: 70% S4: 30% |
Since all the teaching, either in the exposition classes in large groups or in the classes in practice groups, be taught online, the following resources will need to be used:
Common telematic resources (teachers and students):
- PC equipment or similar.
- Videoconference system or virtual classroom, such as Google Meet or BigBlueButton.
- Use of interactive tools: screen sharing to use comments as a virtual whiteboard in PDF presentations.
- Use of the teaching platform of the University of Jaén: messaging, forums, tasks, activities and means of evaluation.
Institution in charge of data processing: Universidad de Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n, 23071 Jaén
Data Protection Delegate: dpo@ujaen.es
Purpose: In accordance with the Universities Law and other national and regional regulations in force, carrying out exams and assessment tests corresponding to the courses students are registered in. In order to avoid frauds while sitting the exam, the exam will be answered using a videoconference system, being able the academic staff of the University of Jaén to compare and contrast the image of the person who is answering the exam with the student's photographic files. Likewise, in order to provide the exam with evidential content for revisions or claims, in accordance with current regulation frameworks, the exam will be recorded and stored.
Legitimacy: compliance with legal obligations (Universities Law) and other national and regional regulations currently in force.
Addressees: service providers who are the owners of the platforms where the exams are carried out and with whom the University of Jaén has signed the corresponding data access contracts.
Storage periods: those established in current in force regulations. In the specific case of exam videoconference recordings, not before the examination records and transcripts are closed or the exam can still be reviewed or challenged.
Rights: you can exercise your right of access, amendment, cancellation, opposition, suppression, limitation and portability by sending a letter to the postal or electronic address indicated above. In the event that you consider that your rights have been violated, you may submit a complaint to the Andalusian Council for Transparency and Data Protection www.ctpdandalucia.es
Person in charge: Universidad de Jaén, Paraje Las Lagunillas, s/n; Tel.953 212121; www.ujaen.es
Data protection delegate (DPO): TELEFÓNICA, S.A.U. ; Email: dpo@ujaen.es
Procedure aim: To manage proper recordings of teaching sessions with the aim of facilitating learning process under a multimodal and/or online teaching
Period for record storage: Images will be kept during legal term according to regulations in force
Legitimacy: Data will be managed according to legal regulations (Organic Law 6/2001, December 21, on Universities) and given consent provided by selecting corresponding box in legal admission documents
Data recipients (transfers or assignments): Any person allowed to get access to every teaching modality
Rights: You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, portability, limitation of processing, deletion or, where appropriate, opposition. To exercise these rights, you must submit a written request to the Information, Registration and Electronic Administration Service of the University of Jaen at the address above, or by e-mail to the address above. You must specify which of these rights you are requesting to be satisfied and, at the same time, you must attach a photocopy of your ID card or equivalent identification document. In case you act through a representative, legal or voluntary, you must also provide a document that proves this representation and identification. Likewise, if you consider that your right to personal data protection has been violated, you may file a complaint with the Andalusian Data Protection and Transparency Council www.ctpdandalucia.es