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Syllabus 2021-22 - 12212018 - English Literature until 1660 (Literatura inglesa hasta 1660)
- Level 1: Tutorial support sessions, materials and exams in this language
- Level 2: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams and seminars in this language
- Level 3: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams, seminars and regular lectures in this language
DEGREE: | Grado en Estudios ingleses |
ACADEMIC YEAR: | 2021-22 |
COURSE: | English Literature until 1660 |
NAME: English Literature until 1660 | |||||
CODE: 12212018 | ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021-22 | ||||
LANGUAGE: English | LEVEL: 3 | ||||
OFFICE NO.: D2 - 248 | E-MAIL: eolivar@ujaen.es | P: 953-212607 |
WEBSITE: http://eugenioolivares.blogspot.com.es/ | ||
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9260-5132 | ||
LANGUAGE: English | LEVEL: 3 |
This is a survey course in English Literature, from its first recorded texts (7th century) Until 1660.
There are three main areas of interest in the syllabus: historical introductions to the relevant periods; introduction to the main authors/literary works; reading and analysis of the set texts.
Unit 1: Old English:
Unit 2: Middle English
Unit 3: The 14th century
Unit 4: Renaissance and Reformation
Unit 5: Renaissance and reformation: Shakespeare Paradise Lost (Book 3, lines 1-55) by John Milton
Unit 6: John Milton
The different units will be presented by the lecturer, who will make a description of the historic and cultural background of the different periods, i.e. Middle Ages, Renaissance and Seventeenth century.
The attendance and participation of students is highly recommended, so that an actual exchange of ideas takes place during the sessions. Therefore, students must read the set texts before class. It is also recommended that they work the complementary materials available in the Campus Virtual.
Tutorials are also recommended so that students may work any extra aspects of the course that they may deem relevant. This will be especially useful in the ellaboration of the research paper that students must submit at the end of the term.
All activities will be conducted in English.
Students with special educational needs should contact the Student Attention Service (Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante) in order to receive the appropriate academic support
For the assessment of students, the following percentages will be taken into account:
Final exam: 60% . Three parts: 1. Identification of 10 excerpts from the set readings; 2. A test of several questions about the set readings; 3. A test of several questions about the theoretical contents of the subject.
Attendance and participation in the sessions: 10%
Written essay: 30%
Ordinary sit
Assessment data |
M odality (face-to-face/online, synchronous or asynchronous) |
Description |
Weight |
Final exam |
Face to face |
Theory and practice |
60% |
Attendance and participation in the sessions
Face to face + online |
Attendance and participation will be duly recorded |
Essay |
Individual ellaboration of an essay, under supervision (face to face + online) |
30% |
Assessment data |
M odality (face-to-face/online, synchronous or asynchronous) |
Description |
Weight |
Final exam |
Face to face |
Theory and practice |
50% |
Essay |
Individual ellaboration of an essay, under supervision (face to face + online) |
50% |
The correspondence between the assessment criteria and the competences/results of learning is as follows:
S1: CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, G.03, G.05, G.08: R.03, R.05, R.08
S2: CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, E11, E12, E21: R.12, R.13, R.18
S3: CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, G.07, E.21: R.07, R.18
- The Cambridge history of early modern English literature. Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: Cambridge ; Madrid : Cambridge University Press, 2006 (Library)
- A critical history of english literature. Edition: 2nd ed. rep.. Author: Daiches, David. Publisher: London: Secker & Warburg, 1990
- The new Pelican guide to English literature. Edition: Repr. Author: -. Publisher: Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1984-1986 (Library)
- A brief history of English literature. Edition: -. Author: Peck, John, 1947-. Publisher: New York : Palgrave, 2002. (Library)
- Literary appreciation: a practical guide to the understanding and enjoyment of literature in English. Edition: -. Author: Moody, H. L. B.. Publisher: London: Longman, 1986 (Library)
- Cambridge companion to Old English literature edited by Malcolm Godden and Michael Lapidge. Edition: 1st published, repr. Author: Godden, Malcolm, ed. lit.. Publisher: Cambridge University Press (Library)
- Medieval writers and their work [electronic resource] : Middle English literature 1100-1500 J.A. Burrow.. Edition: 2nd ed.. Author: Burrow, J. A. (John Anthony). Publisher: Oxford University Press (Library)
- Cambridge companion to medieval English literature, 1100-1500 edited by Larry Scanlon. [electronic resource]. Edition: -. Author: Scanlon, Larry.. Publisher: Cambridge University Press (Library)
- companion to English Renaissance literature and culture [electronic resource] edited by Michael Hattaway.. Edition: -. Author: Hattaway, Michael.. Publisher: Blackwell (Library)
- English Renaissance drama [electronic resource] Peter Womack.. Edition: -. Author: Womack, Peter, 1952-. Publisher: Blackwell (Library)
- English literature in the earlier seventeenth century, 1600-1660 by Douglas Bush. Edition: 1st published, repr.. Author: Bush, Douglas. Publisher: The Clarendon Press (Library)
- Renaissance and English humanism. Douglas Bush.. Edition: -. Author: Bush, Douglas, 1896-1983, author.. Publisher: University of Toronto Press (Library)
- English literature in the earlier seventeenth century, 1600-1660 by Douglas Bush. Edition: 1st published, repr.. Author: Bush, Douglas. Publisher: The Clarendon Press (Library)
- history of seventeenth-century English literature [electronic resource] Thomas N. Corns.. Edition: -. Author: Corns, Thomas N.. Publisher: Blackwell (Library)
Option 1: multimodal/mixed scenario (the number of students is above classroom capacity).
Activities |
Modality (face-to-face/online) |
Teaching methodology (description) |
30 sessions (theory) |
Face-to-face (50%) |
50 minute sessions 50% of classroom capacity will attend the sessions. The rest will follow the sessions online (broadcasted or recorded). The groups will rotate every other week. |
30 sessions (practice) |
Face-to-face (50%) |
50 minute sessions 50% of classroom capacity will attend the sessions. The rest will follow the sessions online (broadcasted or recorded). The groups will rotate every other week |
Office hours |
Face-to-face+ online |
Office hours will be held either face-to-face or online |
Ordinary sit
Assessment data |
Modality (face-to-face/online, synchronous or asynchronous) |
Description |
Weight |
Final exam |
Face to face |
Theory and practice |
60% |
Attendance and participation in the sessions
Face to face + online |
Attendance and participation will be duly recorded |
Essay |
Individual ellaboration of an essay, under supervision (face to face + online) |
30% |
Assessment data |
M odality (face-to-face/online) |
Description |
Weight |
Final exam |
Face to face |
Theory and practice |
50% |
Essay |
Individual ellaboration of an essay, under supervision (face to face + online) |
50% |
Activities |
Modality |
Teaching methodology (description) |
30 sessions (theory) |
Online |
50 minute sessions via videoconference ( GSuite Meet). |
30 sessions (practice) |
Online |
50 minute sessions via videoconference ( GSuite Meet). |
Office hours |
Online |
Videoconference, email, or telephone. |
Ordinary sit
Assessment data |
Modality (online, synchronous or asynchronous) |
Description |
Weight |
Final exam |
Online and synchronous |
Theory and practice |
50% |
Attendance and participation in the sessions
Online and synchronous or asynchronous |
Students attendance and participation will be duly recorded |
Essay |
Individual ellaboration of an essay, under supervision (online) |
40% |
Assessment data |
Modality ( online, synchronous or asynchronous) |
Description |
Weight |
Final exam |
Online and synchronous |
Theory and practice |
50% |
Essay |
Individual ellaboration of an essay, under supervision (face to face + online) |
50% |
Institution in charge of data processing: Universidad de Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n, 23071 Jaén
Data Protection Delegate: dpo@ujaen.es
Purpose: In accordance with the Universities Law and other national and regional regulations in force, carrying out exams and assessment tests corresponding to the courses students are registered in. In order to avoid frauds while sitting the exam, the exam will be answered using a videoconference system, being able the academic staff of the University of Jaén to compare and contrast the image of the person who is answering the exam with the student's photographic files. Likewise, in order to provide the exam with evidential content for revisions or claims, in accordance with current regulation frameworks, the exam will be recorded and stored.
Legitimacy: compliance with legal obligations (Universities Law) and other national and regional regulations currently in force.
Addressees: service providers who are the owners of the platforms where the exams are carried out and with whom the University of Jaén has signed the corresponding data access contracts.
Storage periods: those established in current in force regulations. In the specific case of exam videoconference recordings, not before the examination records and transcripts are closed or the exam can still be reviewed or challenged.
Rights: you can exercise your right of access, amendment, cancellation, opposition, suppression, limitation and portability by sending a letter to the postal or electronic address indicated above. In the event that you consider that your rights have been violated, you may submit a complaint to the Andalusian Council for Transparency and Data Protection www.ctpdandalucia.es
Person in charge: Universidad de Jaén, Paraje Las Lagunillas, s/n; Tel.953 212121; www.ujaen.es
Data protection delegate (DPO): TELEFÓNICA, S.A.U. ; Email: dpo@ujaen.es
Procedure aim: To manage proper recordings of teaching sessions with the aim of facilitating learning process under a multimodal and/or online teaching
Period for record storage: Images will be kept during legal term according to regulations in force
Legitimacy: Data will be managed according to legal regulations (Organic Law 6/2001, December 21, on Universities) and given consent provided by selecting corresponding box in legal admission documents
Data recipients (transfers or assignments): Any person allowed to get access to every teaching modality
Rights: You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, portability, limitation of processing, deletion or, where appropriate, opposition. To exercise these rights, you must submit a written request to the Information, Registration and Electronic Administration Service of the University of Jaen at the address above, or by e-mail to the address above. You must specify which of these rights you are requesting to be satisfied and, at the same time, you must attach a photocopy of your ID card or equivalent identification document. In case you act through a representative, legal or voluntary, you must also provide a document that proves this representation and identification. Likewise, if you consider that your right to personal data protection has been violated, you may file a complaint with the Andalusian Data Protection and Transparency Council www.ctpdandalucia.es