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Syllabus 2020-21 - 12612004 - Applied Psychological Evaluation (Evaluación psicológica aplicada)
- Level 1: Tutorial support sessions, materials and exams in this language
- Level 2: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams and seminars in this language
- Level 3: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams, seminars and regular lectures in this language
DEGREE: | Grado en Psicología |
ACADEMIC YEAR: | 2020-21 |
COURSE: | Applied Psychological Evaluation |
NAME: Applied Psychological Evaluation | |||||
CODE: 12612004 | ACADEMIC YEAR: 2020-21 | ||||
LANGUAGE: English | LEVEL: 2 | ||||
OFFICE NO.: C5 - 018 | E-MAIL: imontoro@ujaen.es | P: 953211735 |
WEBSITE: - | ||
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4145-8600 | ||
Unit 1. Evaluation of general intelligence, abilities, competences and interests.
Unit 2. Personality assessment.
Unit 3. Evaluation of emotional disorders.
Unit 4. Evaluation of childhood clinical disorders.
Unit 5. Clinical and forensic evaluation.
Unit 6. Evaluation of psychotic disorders.
Unit 7. Evaluation of neuropsychological disorders.
Unit 8. Evaluation of cognitive and psychomotor parameters by using objective techniques and procedures.
Lectures with large groups will be mainly theoretical; nonetheless, students will be encouraged to participate.
Lectures with small groups will consist of practicing the previously taught theoretical topics (during frontal lectures). The aim of these training classes is that students learn the correct handling and administration of specific the tests and assessment tools presented during frontal lectures.
Students with special educational needs should contact the Student Attention Service (Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante) in order to receive the appropriate academic support
The different activities will be evaluated in different manners. The specific evaluation criteria, separately for each activity, are explained in this section (face-to-face modality):
1) S1 (attendance and participation: 5% of the final grade): Attendance and participation in class will be evaluated by teaching staff´s observation and monitoring reports of the participations in the different activities proposed. The aim of S1 is to evaluate the learning outcome R03.
2) S2 (theory: 70% of the final grade): To successfully complete the course, it is required to take and pass the exam which includes the theoretical contents of the main topics. At least 3.5 points out of 7 points need to be reached in order to obtain a positive result in this exam. The exam consists of Multiple-Choice, and/or short answer questions. Once the exam is passed, the obtained grade will be added to the grades obtained in section S1 and/or S3. The aim of S2 is to evaluate the learning outcomes R03, R08, Ro9, and R013.
3) S3 (practice and training: 25% of the final grade):
Students get between 0 and 1.5 points for the completion of written reports based on the practice or training sessions. Students who conduct the self-training activity based on the learned concepts in unit 1 or unit 2 can get between 0 and 1 points. These points will be added to the final grade. The aim of S3 is to evaluate the learning outcomes R03, R04, Ro11, R012 and R013.
In Ordinary Call 2, students have to take advantage of the different activities (S1, S2, S3) described above in order to pass the course.
In the Extraordinary Call 2, the grades obtained (in theAcademic year) for activities S1 and/or S3 will be maintained. Therefore, student who got a positive result for S1 and/or S3 will only have to attend and pass the exam based on the theoretical contents. Students who have not completed activities S1 and / or S3 will be able to obtain the highest grade by taking the exam based on these activities, as it includes all relevant questions (and therefore all relevant information and contents), which are needed to achieve the highest grade.
In the Ordinary Call 1, the grades obtained for the activities S1 and/or S3 in other academic courses will be maintained, only if the teachers consider those activities as equivalent or comparable in terms of theoretical contents and practice sessions to S1 and/or S3 in the current Academic year. Further, students have to be able to show a positive result of the activities S1 and/or S3 gained in the other academic course. Students who have not completed activities S1 and / or S3 will be able to obtain the highest grade by taking the exam based on these activities, as it includes all relevant questions (and therefore all relevant information and contents), which are needed to achieve the highest grade.
With a voluntary participation in empirical-research studies, which are managed and conducted by the teaching staff, students have the possibility to receive extra bonus points. A maximum of 0.5 extra bonus points can be obtained and these will be added to the final grade. Students who do not want to voluntarily participate in these studies have the possibility to receive extra bonus points by writing a summary of a book or a scientific article, which match in content with the main topic. These documents (book, scientific article) will be chosen by the teaching staff. The extra bonus point can not be used to pass the course.
- Evaluating competencies: forensic assessments and instruments Thomas Grisso with Randy Borum ... [et al.]. Edition: 2nd ed. Author: Grisso, Thomas. Publisher: Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers (Library)
- Clinical interpretation of the WAIS III and WMS III [electronic resource] edited by David S. Tulsky [et al.].. Edition: -. Author: Tulsky, David S.. Publisher: Academic Press (Library)
- WISC-IV [electronic resource] : advanced clinical interpretation Lawrence G. Weiss.. Edition: -. Author: Weiss, Lawrence G.. Publisher: Academic Press Elsevier (Library)
- Personality assessment in treatment planning [electronic resource] : use of the MMPI-2 and BTPI James N. Butcher, Julia N. Perry.. Edition: [Rev. and substantially expanded ed.].. Author: Butcher, James Neal, 1933-. Publisher: Oxford University Press (Library)
- Handbook of personality assessment Irving B. Weiner, Roger L. Greene.. Edition: Second edition.. Author: Weiner, Irving B., author.. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Library)
- Wiley handbook of personality assessment edited by Updesh Kumar.. Edition: -. Author: Kumar, Updesh, editor.. Publisher: Wiley Blackwell (Library)
- Behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescents [electronic resource] : nature, assessment, and treatment edited by David A. Wolfe, Eric J. Mash.. Edition: -. Author: Wolfe, David A.. Publisher: Guilford Press (Library)
- Clinical neuropsychological assessment: a cognitive approach. Edition: -. Author: Mapou, Robert L., ed. lit.. Publisher: Plenum Press (Library)
- CLINICIANS'S Guide to Neuropsychological Assessment edited by Rodney D. Vanderploeg. Edition: -. Author: Vanderploeg, Rodney D., ed. lit. Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (Library)
- NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL assessment of neuropsychiatric disorders edited by Igor Grant, M.D., Kenneth M. Adams. Edition: -. Author: Grant, Igor, ed. lit. Publisher: Oxford University Press (Library)
- Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback (Online). Edition: -. Author: Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.. Publisher: Plenum Press (Library)
- Biofeedback and self-regulation. Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: Plenum Press (Library)
- Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents [electronic resource] : Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention by Thomas J. Huberty.. Edition: 1st ed. 2012.. Author: Huberty, Thomas J. author.. Publisher: Springer New York (Library)
- Psychological Approaches to Generalized Anxiety Disorder [electronic resource] : A Clinician's Guide to Assessment and Treatment by Holly Hazlett-Stevens.. Edition: 1st ed. 2008.. Author: Hazlett-Stevens, Holly. author.. Publisher: Springer US (Library)
- Separation anxiety in children and adolescents [electronic resource] : an individualized approach to assessment and treatment Andrew R. Eisen, Charles E. Schaefer ; foreword by David H. Barlow.. Edition: -. Author: Eisen, Andrew R.. Publisher: Guilford Press (Library)
- Social Anxiety and Social Phobia in Youth [electronic resource] : Characteristics, Assessment, and Psychological Treatment by Christopher A. Kearney.. Edition: -. Author: Kearney, Christopher A. author.. Publisher: Springer US (Library)
- El trastorno obsesivo compulsivo en la infancia y adolescencia: naturaleza, evaluación y tratamiento: una revisión = Obsessive compulsive disorder in children and adolescents: conceptual issues, assessment and treatment: A review. Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid (Library)
Practice and training activities |
Format (classroom teaching/virtual)* |
Methodology description |
7 training/practice sessions. |
Classroom teaching up to 50% |
7 training/practice sessions (1 hour each one). The attendance will be subjected to the infrastructure, degree registration and sanitary conditions.. |
35 theoretical lectures. |
Classroom teaching up to 50% |
35 participatory theoretical lectures (1 hour each one). The attendance will be subjected to the infrastructure, degree registration and sanitary conditions. |
10 solving problems / exercises and / or exposing works sessions. |
Virtual 100% |
10 virtual sessions aimed at solving problems / exercises and / or exposing works related to the subject (1 hour each one). |
Tutorship. |
Face-to-face + virtual |
Tutorship will be done face-to-face and/or on-line. |
Note. The training activities and teaching methodology presented in the table will be explained in more detail at the beginning of the Academic year.
*In the virtual/classroom teaching methodology, when appropriate, the teaching staff involved in teaching, reserves the right to not to consent the capture, publication, retransmission or reproduction of their speech, image, voice and explanations of chair, in the exercise of their teaching functions, in the field of the University of Jaén.
Ordinary call
Evaluation task |
Format (classroom teaching/virtual) |
Description |
Percentage |
Teacher's observation and notes of the on-site and / or virtual activities. |
Classroom teaching/Attendance and participation on site (in class). Virtual/Attendance and participation (on-line). |
Attendance and active participation in class, debates and presentation of works, either in person or on-line. |
Up to 10% |
Domain of theoretical and operational knowledge of the matter. |
Classroom teaching/On site exam (in class). Virtual/On-line exam. |
Exam of the theorical contents. |
Up to 60% |
Analysis of the practice, training activities, self-training activities and exposure. |
Classroom teaching/Completion and delivery of activities (in class). Virtual/Completion and on-line delivery of activities. |
Completion and delivery of activities. |
Up to 30% |
Note. The evaluation system presented in the table will be explained in more detail at the beginning of the Academic year. The evaluation methodology is subject to the infrastructure, degree registration and sanitary conditions.
Extraordinary call
Evaluation task |
Format (classroom teaching/virtual) |
Description |
Percentage |
Theorical final exam |
In class/ Synchronous |
Exam of all the subjects of the subject (a minimum score of 3 out of 6 must be achieved, to be able to add the marks of the rest of the activities and, therefore, pass the subject). |
Up to 60% |
Practice and training activities exam. |
In class/ Synchronous |
Exam and / or completion of a work that includes the contents of the activities and practices of the subject, for students who have not completed the practices, nor have participated in general in the activities carried out and, therefore, do not have this score. |
Up to 40% |
Note. The evaluation system presented in the table will be explained in more detail at the beginning of the Academic year. The evaluation methodology is subject to the infrastructure, degree registration and sanitary conditions.
Practice and training activities |
Format (classroom teaching/virtual)* |
Methodology description |
7 training/practice sessions. |
100% virtual. |
7 on-line training/practice sessions (1 hour each one). |
35 theoretical lectures. |
100% virtual. |
35 on-line participatory theoretical lectures (1 hour each one). |
10 solving problems / exercises and / or exposing works sessions. |
100% virtual. |
10 on-line sessions aimed at solving problems / exercises and / or exposing works related to the subject (1 hour each one). |
Tutorship. |
100% virtual. |
Tutorship will be done on-line. |
Note. The training activities and teaching methodology presented in the table will be explained in more detail at the beginning of the Academic year.
*In the virtual methodology, when appropriate, the teaching staff involved in teaching, reserves the right to not to consent the capture, publication, retransmission or reproduction of their speech, image, voice and explanations of chair, in the exercise of their teaching functions, in the field of the University of Jaén.
Ordinary call
Evaluation task |
Format (classroom teaching/virtual) |
Description |
Percentage |
Teacher's observation and notes of the on-site and / or virtual activities. |
Virtual/Attendance and participation (on-line). |
Attendance and active participation in class, debates and presentation of works, either in person or on-line. |
Up to 10% |
Domain of theoretical and operational knowledge of the matter. |
Virtual /On-line exam. |
Exam of the theorical contents. |
Up to 60% |
Analysis of the practice, training activities, self-training activities and exposure. |
Virtual/Completion and on-line delivery of activities. |
Completion and delivery of activities. |
Up to 30% |
Note. The evaluation system presented in the table will be explained in more detail at the beginning of the Academic year.
Extraordinary call
Evaluation task |
Format (classroom teaching/virtual) |
Description |
Percentage |
Theorical final exam |
Virtual/ Synchronous |
Exam of all the subjects of the subject (a minimum score of 3 out of 6 must be achieved, to be able to add the marks of the rest of the activities and, therefore, pass the subject). |
Up to 60% |
Practice and training activities exam. |
Virtual/ Synchronous |
Exam and / or completion of a work that includes the contents of the activities and practices of the subject, for students who have not completed the practices, nor have participated in general in the activities carried out and, therefore, do not have this score. |
Up to 40% |
Note. The evaluation system presented in the table will be explained in more detail at the beginning of the Academic year.
Institution in charge of data processing: Universidad de Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n, 23071 Jaén
Data Protection Delegate: dpo@ujaen.es
Purpose: In accordance with the Universities Law and other national and regional regulations in force, carrying out exams and assessment tests corresponding to the courses students are registered in. In order to avoid frauds while sitting the exam, the exam will be answered using a videoconference system, being able the academic staff of the University of Jaén to compare and contrast the image of the person who is answering the exam with the student's photographic files. Likewise, in order to provide the exam with evidential content for revisions or claims, in accordance with current regulation frameworks, the exam will be recorded and stored.
Legitimacy: compliance with legal obligations (Universities Law) and other national and regional regulations currently in force.
Addressees: service providers who are the owners of the platforms where the exams are carried out and with whom the University of Jaén has signed the corresponding data access contracts.
Storage periods: those established in current in force regulations. In the specific case of exam videoconference recordings, not before the examination records and transcripts are closed or the exam can still be reviewed or challenged.
Rights: you can exercise your right of access, amendment, cancellation, opposition, suppression, limitation and portability by sending a letter to the postal or electronic address indicated above. In the event that you consider that your rights have been violated, you may submit a complaint to the Andalusian Council for Transparency and Data Protection www.ctpdandalucia.es
Person in charge: Universidad de Jaén, Paraje Las Lagunillas, s/n; Tel.953 212121; www.ujaen.es
Data protection delegate (DPO): TELEFÓNICA, S.A.U. ; Email: dpo@ujaen.es
Procedure aim: To manage proper recordings of teaching sessions with the aim of facilitating learning process under a multimodal and/or online teaching
Period for record storage: Images will be kept during legal term according to regulations in force
Legitimacy: Data will be managed according to legal regulations (Organic Law 6/2001, December 21, on Universities) and given consent provided by selecting corresponding box in legal admission documents
Data recipients (transfers or assignments): Any person allowed to get access to every teaching modality
Rights: You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, portability, limitation of processing, deletion or, where appropriate, opposition. To exercise these rights, you must submit a written request to the Information, Registration and Electronic Administration Service of the University of Jaen at the address above, or by e-mail to the address above. You must specify which of these rights you are requesting to be satisfied and, at the same time, you must attach a photocopy of your ID card or equivalent identification document. In case you act through a representative, legal or voluntary, you must also provide a document that proves this representation and identification. Likewise, if you consider that your right to personal data protection has been violated, you may file a complaint with the Andalusian Data Protection and Transparency Council www.ctpdandalucia.es