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Syllabus 2020-21 - 12213010 - Narrative in the English Language (Narrativa en lengua inglesa)
- Level 1: Tutorial support sessions, materials and exams in this language
- Level 2: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams and seminars in this language
- Level 3: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams, seminars and regular lectures in this language
DEGREE: | Grado en Estudios ingleses |
ACADEMIC YEAR: | 2020-21 |
COURSE: | Narrative in the English Language |
NAME: Narrative in the English Language | |||||
CODE: 12213010 | ACADEMIC YEAR: 2020-21 | ||||
LANGUAGE: English | LEVEL: 3 | ||||
OFFICE NO.: D2 - D2-206 | E-MAIL: jraez@ujaen.es | P: 953213548 |
WEBSITE: http://www10.ujaen.es/conocenos/departamentos/filing/3420 | ||
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7102-5497 | ||
LANGUAGE: English | LEVEL: 3 |
- Introduction to the genre of narrative
- How to study and analyze a narrative text
- English and Irish narrative: a selection of texts
- Northern American, Canadian and Chicana narrative: a selection of texts.
- Narrative of emerging literatures: a selection of texts
N.B. The selected texts are short stories, in order to facilitate their reading and analysis, and with a view to offering a universal, panoramic view of narrative in English:
- English and Irish narrative:
- Ishiguro, Kazuo: "A family supper"
- Joyce, James: "Eveline"
- Lawrence, D. H.: "Odour of chrysanthemums"
- Mansfield, Catherine: "Bliss"
- Sillitoe, Allan: "Pit strike"
- Trevor, William: "The distant past"
- Northern American, Canadian and Chicana narrative:
- Carver, Raymond: "What do you do in San Francisco?"
- Gallant, Mavis: "The end of the world"
- Malamud, Bernard: "The last Mohican"
- Menéndez, Ana: "In Cuba I was a German shepherd"
- Robinson, Roxana: "Mr Sumarsono"
- Tan, Amy: "The joy luck club"
- Narrative of emerging literatures:
- Carey, Peter: "American dreams"
- Goodison, Lorna: "Bella makes life"
- Gordimer, Nadine: "The ultimate safari"
- Gunesekera, Romesh: "Storm petrel"
- Mistry, Rohinton: "Squatter"
- Naipaul, V. S.: "One out of many"
- Smith, Zadie: "Martha, Martha"
- Lecture (theory): 2 hours per week
- Lecture (practice) 2 hours per week
- Homework: 6 hours per week.
N.B. As the subject will be entirely taught in English, no distinction will be made between regular students and PATIE students as regards methodology.
Students with special educational needs should contact the Student Attention Service (Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante) in order to receive the appropriate academic support
- Theoretical contents (final exam): 50%
- Attendance and active participation: 10%
- Portfolio (activities during the semester on an individual basis): 10%
- Assignment (pair/group work, with a view to making an oral presentation in class and submitting an essay on one of the short stories in the programme): 30%
The correspondence between assessment procedures, competences and learning outcomes is the following:
- S1 - G.07, G.09; CB4 - R.07, R.09
- S2 - E.11, E.12, E.13; CB1, CB2 - R.12, R.13, R.14
- S3 - G.05, E.15, E.17; CB3, CB5 - R.05, R.15, R.17
N.B.: as for the dates for the final exam, international students should note that, unless there are exceptional reasons, no alternative dates to the official ones will be offered to them, as they will be considered in exactly the same terms as the rest of the students. All official exams will take place in May-June (regular exams or "convocatoria ordinaria") and -if the student does not pass the subject- in June-July (extraordinary exams or "convocatoria extraordinaria").
- A world of difference : an anthology of short stories from five continents. Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: Milton Keynes, UK : The Open University ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 (Library)
- Ways of reading: advanced reading skills for students of English literature. Edition: 2nd ed. Author: -. Publisher: London ; New York: Routledge, 2000 (Library)
- Elements of fiction : an antology . Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: New York [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 1981 (Library)
- The art of the story : an international anthology of contemporary short stories . Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books, 2000 (Library)
- A reader's companion to the short story in English [Recurso electrónico]. Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2001. (Library)
- Past into present: an anthology of British and American Literature. Edition: 3rd imp.. Author: Gower, Roger.. Publisher: Harlow, Essex : Longman, 1995 (Library)
- The Norton anthology of English literature. Edition: 8th ed.. Author: -. Publisher: New York : W.W. Norton, cop. 2006 (Library)
- The lonely voice : a study of the short story. Edition: -. Author: O'Connor, Frank. Publisher: Hoboken, New jersey : Melville House publishing, cop. 2004 (Library)
- Critical thinking: a guide to interpreting literary. Edition: -. Author: Manlove, Colin. Publisher: Houndmills: MacMillan, 1989 (Library)
- Narrative fiction, contemporary poetics. Edition: [Reprinted]. Author: Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith. Publisher: London ; New York: Routledge, 1994 (Library)
- The modern british novel. Edition: -. Author: Bradbury, Malcolm. Publisher: London: Penguin Books, cop. 1994 (Library)
- A companion to the British and Irish short story. Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2008 (Library)
- The British and Irish short story handbook. Edition: -. Author: Malcolm, David, 1952-. Publisher: Chichester, UK : Wiley-Bllackwell, 2012 (Library)
- The Short story [Recurso electrónico] : an introduction. Edition: -. Author: March-Russell, Paul. Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, c2009 (Library)
- Contemporary debates on the short story . Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: Bern [etc.] : Peter Lang, 2007 (Library)
- Telling Stories: a theoretical analysis of narrative fiction. Edition: [1st ed., reimp.]. Author: Cohan, Steven. Publisher: London ; New York: Routledge, 1991 (Library)
- An anthology of colonial and postcolonial short fiction. Edition: -. Author: Baldwin, Dean. Publisher: Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, cop. 2007 (Library)
*Option a: blended or mixed teaching scenario (group with a number of students above the limited capacity of the classroom).
Activities | Modality (face-to-face/online) | Teaching methodology (description) |
30 theoretical lectures | Face-to-face (50%) |
30 one-hour theoretical lectures, applying a 50% limited seating rule, alternating face-to-face and online groups every other week. Face-to-face classes will be broadcast/recorded for the online group. |
30 practical classes | Face to face (50%) | 30 one-hour practical classes, applying a 50% limited seating rule, alternating face-to-face and online groups every other week. Face-to-face classes will be broadcast/recorded for the online group. |
Office hours | Face-to face + online |
Some office hours will be delivered in the face-to-face modality and some others online (synchronous or asynchronous). |
*Option b: blended or mixed teaching scenario (group with a number of students below the limited capacity of the classroom).
Activities | Modality (face-to-face/online) | Teaching methodology (description) |
30 theoretical lectures | Face-to-face (100%) | 30 one-hour theoretical lectures, within the classroom. |
30 practical classes | Face-to-face (100%) | 30 one-hour practical classes, within the classroom. |
Office hours | Face-to-face + online | Some office hours will be delivered in the face-to-face modality and some others online (synchronous or asynchronous). |
In option a (blended or mixed teaching scenario with a number of students above the limited capacity of the classroom) and option b (blended or mixed teaching scenario with a number of students below the limited capacity of the classroom) alike, the assessment methodology will not undergo any modification with regard to the assessment methodology originally planned:
*Regular exam
Assessment instrument |
Modality (face-to-face/online, synchronous or asynchronous) |
Description | Weight |
Final exam | Face-to-face | Assessment of theoretical and practical contents | 50% |
Attendance and active participation | Face-to-face + online |
Attendance and participation register (both face-to-face and online) of all students |
10% |
Portfolio | Face-to-face + online | Activities during the semester on an individual basis | 10% |
Pair work | Presencial + online | Oral presentation and final assignment on a short story | 30% |
Assessment instrument |
Modality (face-to-face/online, synchronous or asynchronous) |
Description | Weight |
Final exam | Face-to-face | Assessment of theoretical and practical contents | 50% |
Attendance and active participation | Face-to-face + online |
Attendance and participation register (both face-to-face and online) of all students |
10% |
Portfolio | Face-to-face + online | Activities during the semester on an individual basis | 10% |
Pair work | Presencial + online | Oral presentation and final assignment on a short story | 30% |
Contingency plan: in the event of transitioning from a blended or mixed teaching scenario to an online one, at any moment along the teaching period of the semester, the assessment methodology to follow will be the one specified in the online scenario.
- Face-to-face teaching
- Facilities to broadcast face-to-face teaching
- ILIAS virtual platform
*Online scenario
Activities | Modality (face-to-face/online) | Teaching methodology (description) |
30 theoretical lectures | Online |
30 one-hour theoretical lectures through videoconference (GSuite Meet). |
30 practical classes | Online | 30 one-hour practical classes through videoconference (GSuite Meet). |
Office hours | Online |
All office hours will be delivered online (synchronous and asynchronous). |
As described in the contingency plan within the blended or mixed teaching scenario, the transition to an online teaching scenario at any moment along the teaching period of the semester would entail the application of the following assessment methodology:
*Regular exam
Assessment instrument |
Modality (face-to-face/online, synchronous or asynchronous) |
Description | Weight |
Online test | Online (synchronous) | Assessment of theoretical and practical contents | 30% |
Attendance and active participation | Face-to-face (if applicable) + online (synchronous and asynchronous) |
Attendance and participation register (both face-to-face and online) of all students |
10% |
Portfolio | Face-to-face (if applicable) + online (asynchronous) | Activities during the semester on an individual basis | 10% |
Pair work | Presencial (if applicable) + online (synchronous and asynchronous) | Oral presentation and final assignment on a short story + comparison with other two short stories from the syllabus | 50% |
Assessment instrument |
Modality (face-to-face/online, synchronous or asynchronous) |
Description | Weight |
Online test** | Online (synchronous) | Assessment of theoretical and practical contents | 30% |
Attendance and active participation** | Face-to-face (if applicable) + online (synchronous and asynchronous) |
Attendance and participation register (both face-to-face and online) of all students |
10% |
Portfolio | Face-to-face (if applicable) + online (asynchronous) | Activities during the semester on an individual basis | 10% |
Pair work | Presencial (if applicable) + online (synchronous and asynchronous) | Oral presentation and final assignment on a short story + comparison with other two short stories from the syllabus | 50% |
** In the case of students without attendance or active participation (hence, no punctuation in this assessment instrument), the instrument "online test" will have a weight of 40% for the resit.
- Classes through videoconference (GSuite Meet)
- ILIAS virtual platform
- Google forms (for the online test)
Institution in charge of data processing: Universidad de Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n, 23071 Jaén
Data Protection Delegate: dpo@ujaen.es
Purpose: In accordance with the Universities Law and other national and regional regulations in force, carrying out exams and assessment tests corresponding to the courses students are registered in. In order to avoid frauds while sitting the exam, the exam will be answered using a videoconference system, being able the academic staff of the University of Jaén to compare and contrast the image of the person who is answering the exam with the student's photographic files. Likewise, in order to provide the exam with evidential content for revisions or claims, in accordance with current regulation frameworks, the exam will be recorded and stored.
Legitimacy: compliance with legal obligations (Universities Law) and other national and regional regulations currently in force.
Addressees: service providers who are the owners of the platforms where the exams are carried out and with whom the University of Jaén has signed the corresponding data access contracts.
Storage periods: those established in current in force regulations. In the specific case of exam videoconference recordings, not before the examination records and transcripts are closed or the exam can still be reviewed or challenged.
Rights: you can exercise your right of access, amendment, cancellation, opposition, suppression, limitation and portability by sending a letter to the postal or electronic address indicated above. In the event that you consider that your rights have been violated, you may submit a complaint to the Andalusian Council for Transparency and Data Protection www.ctpdandalucia.es
Person in charge: Universidad de Jaén, Paraje Las Lagunillas, s/n; Tel.953 212121; www.ujaen.es
Data protection delegate (DPO): TELEFÓNICA, S.A.U. ; Email: dpo@ujaen.es
Procedure aim: To manage proper recordings of teaching sessions with the aim of facilitating learning process under a multimodal and/or online teaching
Period for record storage: Images will be kept during legal term according to regulations in force
Legitimacy: Data will be managed according to legal regulations (Organic Law 6/2001, December 21, on Universities) and given consent provided by selecting corresponding box in legal admission documents
Data recipients (transfers or assignments): Any person allowed to get access to every teaching modality
Rights: You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, portability, limitation of processing, deletion or, where appropriate, opposition. To exercise these rights, you must submit a written request to the Information, Registration and Electronic Administration Service of the University of Jaen at the address above, or by e-mail to the address above. You must specify which of these rights you are requesting to be satisfied and, at the same time, you must attach a photocopy of your ID card or equivalent identification document. In case you act through a representative, legal or voluntary, you must also provide a document that proves this representation and identification. Likewise, if you consider that your right to personal data protection has been violated, you may file a complaint with the Andalusian Data Protection and Transparency Council www.ctpdandalucia.es