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Syllabus 2019-20 - 11013011 - Healthcare Social Work (Trabajo social en el área de salud)
- Level 1: Tutorial support sessions, materials and exams in this language
- Level 2: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams and seminars in this language
- Level 3: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams, seminars and regular lectures in this language
DEGREE: | Grado en Trabajo Social |
ACADEMIC YEAR: | 2019-20 |
COURSE: | Healthcare Social Work |
NAME: Healthcare Social Work | |||||
CODE: 11013011 | ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-20 | ||||
LANGUAGE: English | LEVEL: 2 | ||||
OFFICE NO.: C5 - 017 | E-MAIL: | P: 953211768 |
WEBSITE: - | ||
ORCID: - | ||
Theoretical-conceptual basis of Social Work in Health. Origins and evolution of Social Work in Health. Elements constituting its object of knowledge / intervention.
The health / illness phenomenon. Psychosocial effects of the loss of health at the individual, family and social level. Influence of social factors in the genesis of health inequalities. New demands as a result of new social circumstances.
Social intervention in health. Dimensions and contribution of Social Work from health services to: the health of users and families, to the health team, to the health institution, to the community. Method of intervention within health services.
The Public Health Protection System. Spanish and Andalusian model. Comprehensive Health Care, protection, promotion and prevention. Approach from Social Work. Contribution of Social Work to the health of individuals, groups and communities.
Social Work in Primary Health Care. Hospital Social Work. Social Work in Mental Health.
Contribution of Social Work to Health Programs. Portfolio of social worker services. Health research
Activity 1. Large group expository classes, (master classes, presentation of theory and general examples, conferences, presentation of works, etc.).
Activity 2. Classes in small groups, (practical activities inside and outside the classroom, debates, professional visits, case resolution, presentations / exhibitions, etc.).
Activity 3. Collective / individual tutorials (supervision of directed works, debates, clarification of doubts, comments on individual works, etc.).
Activity 6. Evaluation / exam.
In this subject the use of mobile phones, IPOD and any other device of this type is prohibited, so the use of it may involve the expulsion of the classroom.
Students with special educational needs should contact the Student Attention Service (Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante) in order to receive the appropriate academic support
The evaluation of students will combine various methods that will be selected from the following:
- Written test: essay exams, objective or semi-objective tests, problem solving, short answer tests, class reports and diaries, etc.
- Oral exhibitions in class: individual or in group, on the contents of the agenda (seminar) and on carrying out practical activities corresponding to specific competences.
- Active participation of students in the activities programmed in the subject.
- Assistance to individual and group tutorials.
This selection will be made taking as criteria the relevant elements for the realization of the corresponding competences, content-achievements associated with them, and taking into account the criteria for the realization of the competences of Annex 3 of the Criteria document for the design of plans for Degree study in Social Work approved by the Conference of Directors of Social Work Centers and Departments on December 14, 2 007.
To pass the subject, it will be necessary to pass both the theoretical and the practical part. Both in the exams, as in the papers presented, spelling mistakes will be assessed negatively.
Likewise, in the evaluation of the subject, any suspicion that the student is breaching the regulations for carrying out the exam, as well as using any method that exceeds the allowed in the instructions administered in the evaluation, will mean expulsion from the classroom and the corresponding suspense rating.
Evaluation of learning outcomes:
- The learning results ARE1, ARE2, ARE3, ARE4, ARE5 and ARE6, will be evaluated by carrying out the written tests of individual and group character.
- The learning results ARE2, ARE3, ARE4 and ARE5, will be evaluated through the assistance, participation and realization of the work and practical activities.
- Social work and health care in an aging society [Recurso electrónico]: education, policy, practice,. Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: New York : Springer, c2003 (Library)
- Clinical Social Work Practice in the Twenty-First Century: A Changing Landscape. Edition: -. Author: Manny J. González & Caroline Rosenthal Gelman. Publisher: Clinical Social Work Journal, olume 43, Issue 3, pp 257262| (Library)
- The effect of organizational conditions (role conflict, role ambiguity, opportunities for professional development, and social support) on job satisfaction and intention to leave among social workers in mental health care. . Edition: -. Author: Acker, G. M. . Publisher: Community mental health journal, 40(1), 65-73. (Library)
- The portable health administration [Recurso electrónico]. Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: Amsterdam ; Boston : Academic Press, c2004. (Library)
- Creating the health care team of the future [Recurso electrónico] : the Toronto Model for interprof. Edition: -. Author: Nelson, Sioban, author. Publisher: - (Library)
- Social work and health care in an aging society [Recurso electrónico]: education, policy, practice,. Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: New York : Springer, c2003 (Library)