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Syllabus 2019-20 - 13512014 - High voltage electrical facilities (Instalaciones eléctricas de alta tensión)
- Level 1: Tutorial support sessions, materials and exams in this language
- Level 2: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams and seminars in this language
- Level 3: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams, seminars and regular lectures in this language
DEGREE: | Grado en Ingeniería eléctrica (13512014) |
DEGREE: | Doble grado en Ingeniería eléctrica e Ingeniería mecánica (13612017) |
DEGREE: | Doble grado en Ingeniería eléctrica e Ingeniería electrónica industrial (13712020) |
ACADEMIC YEAR: | 2019-20 |
COURSE: | High voltage electrical facilities |
NAME: High voltage electrical facilities | |||||
CODE: 13512014 (*) | ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-20 | ||||
LANGUAGE: English | LEVEL: 2 | ||||
OFFICE NO.: A3 - 230 | E-MAIL: | P: 953212466 |
WEBSITE: - | ||
ORCID: | ||
Schedule of theory
Teaching unit 1: Overhead power lines
Block 1: Overhead power lines constituent elements
Topic 1: Conductors
1.- Introduction
2.- Electrical and mechanical characteristics
3.- Phase conductors
4.- Ground conductors
Topic 2: Supports
1.- Introduction and general characteristics
2.- Classification
3.- Types of supports
Topic 3: Insulators and Hardware
1.- Introduction
2.- Insulators
3.- Hardware
4.- Type Chains
5.- Level of insulation
6.- Electrical calculation of the chain of insulators
7.- Mechanical calculation of the chain of insulators
8.- Distribution of potentials in chains of insulators
Block 2: Mechanical calculations on overhead power lines
Topic 4: Charges and Overcharges to Consider in a High Voltage Airline
1.- Introduction
2.- Permanent charges
3.- Effort of the wind on the airlines
4.- Effect of ice on airlines
5.- Combined effect of wind and ice
Topic 5: Calculating conductors
1.- Catenary
2.- Control span or canton
3.- Maximum allowable strength
4.- Vibratory phenomena
5.- Maximum arrows in phase conductors and earth cables
Topic 6:
Calculation of supports
1.- Efforts that occur in the supports
2.- Calculation hypothesis
3.- Security coefficients
4.- Development of the calculation hypotheses by type of support
5.- Calculation of supports with change of conductor
6.- Calculation of supports in change of zone
7.- Calculation of supports in crash or by shunt
8.- Safety distances in the support
9.- Situation of the heights of the different elements in the supports
10.- Change of conductor plane
Topic 7: Choice of standard supports
1.- Use of catalogs
2.- Step of vertical efforts to horizontal
3.- Change of efforts according to safety coefficients
4.- Choice of crosspieces and assemblies
5.- Choice of support for efforts
6.- Optimization of the election
7.- Situation of the heights of the different elements in the supports
Topic 8: Calculation of Foundations
1.- General characteristics
2.- Start-up check
3.- Compression check
4.- One block foundations
5.- Fractionated foundations
Topic 9: Measurements and area of occupancy
1.- Measurements
2.- Occupancy area
3.- List of goods and rights
Topic 10: Graphics of use of supports and crossbars
1.- Generalities
2.- Support of alignment-suspension
3.- Support of alignment-mooring
4.- Alignment-anchor support
5.- Angle-Suspension Support
6.- Support of angle-mooring
7.- Angle-anchor support
8.- Line start-end support
9.- Graphics of use of crossbars
Block 3: Electrical calculations on overhead power lines
Topic 11: Introduction to Electrical Calculations
1.- Fundamental constants of the lines
2.- Constant characteristics derived from fundamental
3.- Current density of a conductor
4.- Maximum permissible intensity
5.- Determination of the section of a conductor by maximum power
6.- Determination of the section of a conductor by voltage drop
Topic 12: Short lines
1.- Vector diagram. Voltage fall
2.- Types of lines
3.- Power transmission
4.- Regulation
5.- Maximum power with a certain regulation
Topic 13: Middle lines
1.- T-equivalent method
2.- Equivalent method in P
Topic 14: Long lines
1.- Introduction
2.- Voltage and current at any point on the line
3.- Application of hyperbolic forms
4.- Characteristic values of a line
5.- Limit operation of a line
6.- Direct wave and reflected wave
7 .- Transmission line as two-port network
Topic 15: Voltage regulation
1.- Introduction
2.- Relationship between the nature of the load, type of line and voltage drop
3.- Regulation of the voltage in electrical lines. Methods of regulation
4.- Advantages and disadvantages of static and synchronous capacitors
5.- Calculation of the powers of the machines necessary to regulate
Topic 16: Crown Effect
1.- Introduction
2.- Voltages that produce the corona effect
Teaching unit 2: Underground high voltage lines
Block 4: Constituent elements of high voltage underground lines
Topic 17: General of high voltage underground lines
1.- Standard voltages
2.- Levels of insulation
3.- Cables
4.- Accessories
Topic 18: Types of installations in underground lines
1.- Introduction
2.- Directly buried
3.- In tubing
4.- In galleries
5.- In atarjeas or registrable channels
6.- In trays, supports, moths or directly attached to the wall
7.- In the aquatic bottoms
8.- Air-ground conversions
Block 5: Electrical calculation in underground high voltage lines
Topic 19: Calculation of drivers
1.- By voltage drop
2.- By maximum intensity in steady state
3.- By short circuit
Unit 3: Transformation centers and substations
Block 6: Constituent elements of transformation centers and substations
Topic 20: High-voltage switchgear
1.- Introduction
2.- Nominal characteristics of the high voltage switchgear
5.- Breakers
6.- Switches and circuit breakers
7.- Fuse cutouts
8.- Protection relays
9.- Blocking coils
Topic 21: Sizing of conductors and rods
1.- Introduction
2.- Conductors used
3.- Bare drivers
4.- Sizing by voltage drop
5.- Dimensioning by current density
6.- Dimensioning by short circuit
7.- Choice of the most profitable section
8.- Efforts caused by short circuits
Block 7: Transformation centers
Topic 22: Constitution of transformation centers
1.- Classification of transformation centers
2.- Basic components of a transformation center
3.- Interior layout of transformation centers
Topic 23: Additional facilities of the processing center
1.- Ventilation of transformation centers
2.- Lighting and signaling
3.- Fire protection
Block 8: Substations
Topic 24: Characteristics of electrical substations
1.- Introduction
2.- Security and regulations
3.- Main elements
4.- Configurations
5.- Exploitation
6.- Local control, remote control and telecontrol
7.- Hierarchical levels of command
8.- Interlocking
9.- General characteristics of the power unit
10.- Coordination of insulation
11.- General criteria for defining the configuration of a substation
12.- Example of double maneuvers with transfer bar
13.- IP Encoding
14.- IK coding
Topic 25: AIS, GIS and HIS Substations
1.- AIS Substations
2.- GIS Substations
3.- HIS Substations
Teaching unit 4: Earthing installations
Block 7: Concepts, methods and calculation processes
Topic 26: Concepts and definitions of earthing systems
1.- Introduction
2.- Resistivity of the terrain
3.- Selection of the conductor and the joints
4.- Ground fault currents
5.- Stream flow through the terrain
6.- Electrode ground resistance
Block 8: Calculation Methods and Processes
Topic 27: Calculation Methods
1.- Method of Unesa
2.- Howe Method
3.- Maxwell Method
4.- IEEE Std-80 Method
5.- Determination of the unit coefficients
6.- Determination of the earth resistance
7.- Absolute electrode potential
8.- Calculation of the minimum length of buried cable
Topic 28: Calculation of earthing in supports
1.- Generalities
2.- Regulatory conditions
3.- Industrial frequency dimensioning of earthing systems
4.- Sizing with respect to the security of the people
5.- Classification of the supports according to their location
6.- Verification of the design of the earthing system
7.- Difficult earthing conditions
8.- Calculation of sequence impedances for overhead lines
8.1.- Calculation of line resistance and reactance
8.2.- Calculation of direct and reverse sequence impedances
Calculation of homopolar impedance
9.- Defect current
9.1.- Calculation of equivalent sequence impedances at the point of failure
9.2.- Infinite chain impedance
9.3.- Finite chain impedance
9.4.- Defect away from a substation (infinite chain)
9.5.- Defect near a substation (finite chain)
9.6.- Reduction factor for overhead lines with earth threads
Topic 29: Calculation of earthing at transformation centers and substations
1.- Maximum permissible loads in a plant
2.- Calculation procedure
3.- Difficult earthing conditions
4.- Elements of earthing installations and mounting conditions
5.- Determination of the fault currents for the calculation of the contact and contact voltages
6.- Separation of low voltage neutral
7.- Defect currents
7.1.- Transformer Substations
7.2.- Substations
8.- Sequence impedances of the substations
9.- Sequence impedances of underground lines
9.1.- Placement of the conductors
9.2.- Equivalent resistance of earth return
9.3.- Ground return distance
9.4.- Impedance matrices
9.5.- Impedances of line sequences
Teaching unit 5: Overvoltages in high voltage installations
Block 9: Coordination of insulation and surges in electrical networks
Topic 30: Coordination of isolation
1.- Introduction and objectives
2.- Overvoltages in high voltage electrical networks
3.- Characteristics and behavior of insulation
4.- Surge protection
5.- Coordination of insulation
Topic 31: Overvoltages in high voltage installations
1.- Introduction
2.- Temporary overvoltages
3.- Slow front overvoltages
4.- Rapid front overvoltages
5.- Very fast front-side overvoltages
Topic 32: Shielding of power lines and substations
1.- Introduction
2.- Shielding of electrical lines
3.- Total shielding angle
4.- Shielding of electrical substations
5. Shielding with guard cables
6.- Shielding with Franklin tips
7.- Special cases of shielding of substations
8.- Comparison between Franklin tips and guard cables
Topic 33: Surge protection. Lighting rod
1.- Introduction
2. Characteristics of non-explosive variable resistance lightning rods
3.- Lightning selection criteria
Schedule of practice
Practice 1: Surveying
1 .- What is a topographic profile?
2.- Guitar
3.- Methods for obtaining the topography of an electric line
Practice 2: Obtaining the longitudinal profile of the power line
1.- Determination of the initial and final points of the line
2.- Introduction of vertices
3.- Several traces in the same project
Practice 3: Accidents and crossings with the power line
1.- Electrical isolation distances to avoid discharges
2.- Special requirements
3 .- Crossings. Distances. Parallelisms
4.- Accidents
Practice 4: Determination of the conductor to be used in the line according to the transport power
1.- Current density
2.- Maximum current in the conductor by thermal limit
3.- Maximum power by thermal limit
4.- Resistance in an overhead power line
5.- Self-induction in an overhead power line
6.- Reactance in an overhead power line
7.- Maximum power by voltage drop. Electric moment
Practice 5: Plotting and editing the line
1.- Plotting
2.- Edition
Practice 6: Calculation of Regulatory Voltages and Laying Table
1.- Regulatory Hypotheses
2.- Vibratory phenomena
3.- Laying table
Practice 7: Calculation of supports
1.- Hypothesis
2.- Distances in the support
Practice 8: Choice of supports and crosspieces
1.- Determination of the catalog
2.- Choice of crossbars and assemblies
3.- Choice of supports
Practice 9: Foundations
1.- One block foundations
2.- Split fractions
Practice 10: Measurements
1.- Excavation volume
2.- Concrete volume
3.- Length of the line
4.- Length of conductor
5.- Weight of the driver
6.- Weight of the supports
7.- Number of mooring and suspension chains
Practice 11: Underground link line
1.- Determination of the lowering auxiliary elements
2.- Calculation of the section by voltage drop
3.- Calculation of the section by thermal limit
4.- Calculation of the section by short circuit
Practice 12: Choice of Transformation Center Protections
1.- Sectional elements
2.- Cutting elements
3.- Fuses
4.- Voltage transformers
5.- Current Transformers
Practice 13: Calculation of sections and conductors and center bars
1.- Calculation of the section by voltage drop
2.- Calculation of the section by thermal limit
3.- Calculation of the section by short circuit
4.- Calculation of the electrodynamic forces by short circuit
Practice 14: Calculation of earthing of power line supports
1.- Calculation of the voltages of passage, contact and passage in the access of standars
2.- Determination of the earthing electrode
3.- Calculation of the earth resistance and fault current
4.- Calculation of the unit coefficients Kp, Kc, Kpacc
5.- Comparison between regulatory and installation voltages
6.- Corrective measures
Practice 15: Calculation of the earthing of the transformation center
1.- Calculation of the voltages of passage, contact and passage in the access of standars
2.- Determination of the earthing electrode
3.- Calculation of the earth resistance and fault current
4.- Calculation of the unit coefficients Kp, Kc, Kpacc
5.- Comparison between regulatory and installation voltages
6.- Corrective measures
- Exposure classes of theory and practical examples
- Exhibition of works of students
- Practical classes
Students with special educational needs should contact the Student Attention Service (Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante) in order to receive the appropriate academic support
- Theoretical and practical at the end of the semester that will be a value in the final grade of 60% written exam. In this test the skills cel2, CT2 and CT4 and learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 are evaluated.
- Work experience with delivering a project of a power line and subeterránea AERES with high voltage transformer. complete with a weight on the final grade of 15%. This section cel2 skills, CT1, CT2 and CT4 and learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 are evaluated.
- Working on a topic of the course and exhibition of the same class will have a total value on the subject of 15%. This section cel2 skills, CT1, CT2 and CT4 and learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 are evaluated.
- Attendance at practical classes and sessions exhibition of work by 10%. This section cel2 skills, CT1, CT2 and CT4 and learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 are evaluated.
- To get pass the course must be obtained in the written test at least 5 out of 10.
- Over head power lines planning, design, construction. Edition: 2003. Author: Kiessling, F., Nefzger, P., Nolasco, J.F., Kaintzyk, U.. Publisher: Springer (Library)