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Syllabus 2015-16 - 12212011 - History of the English Language (Historia de la lengua inglesa)

  • Level 1: Tutorial support sessions, materials and exams in this language
  • Level 2: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams and seminars in this language
  • Level 3: Tutorial support sessions, materials, exams, seminars and regular lectures in this language
DEGREE: Grado en Estudios ingleses
COURSE: History of the English Language
NAME: History of the English Language
CODE: 12212011 ACADEMIC YEAR: 2015-16
OFFICE NO.: D2 - 210 E-MAIL: aalcaraz@ujaen.es P: 953213560
WEBSITE: https://www.uja.es/departamentos/filing/contactos/alcaraz-sintes-alejandro
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2892-151X

Unit 1 - Introduction to English Historical Linguistics & Linguistic Change

Week 1: The history of languages: methods, assumptions, evidence, language families, systematic correspondences...

Class time (4 hours)

  • Lesson 1:   Theory. What  Historical Linguistics is and its relevance. Description of the course's contents (theory, practice & portfolio tasks), assignments and assessment system.
  • Lesson 2:     Theory. Classification of languages: genealogy and typology.
  • Lesson 3:     Theory. The     Comparative Method and     Internal Reconstruction. Recent trends in Historical Linguistics.
  • Lesson 4:     Practice. MILLWARD (1996b).

Autonomous work   (6 hours: 4 + 2)

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a): pp. 2-8 in chap. 1,"Introduction", & chap. 4, "Language Families and Indo-European".
  • Practice work: MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher.

Week 2: Linguistic change. What? Why? How? Where?

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 5:     Theory.     Delimitation and types. 
  • Lesson 6:     Theory.  Causes and attitutes. .
  • Lesson 7:     Theory.  Evidence. Extant texts. Learning how to use the  Oxford English Dictionary ( OED3) in the History of the English Language course.
  • Lesson 8:     Practice: MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 

Autonomous work (6 hours: 3 + 3) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a): pp. 8-17 of chap. 1, "Introduction".
  • Practice work: MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 

Unit 2 - External history of the English language  

Week 3: External history of English, with special attention to its relevance for vocabulary. 

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 9:     Theory.  The Old English period (449-1066).
  • Lesson 10:   Theory. The Middle English period (1066-1500).
  • Lesson 11:   Theory.  The early and late Modern English periods (1500-1750 & 1750-1900).
  • Lesson 12:   Practice. MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 4 + 2) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a)
  • Practice work: MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 

Unit 3 - Old English (Internal History) 

Week 4: Important sound changes affecting OE phonology and morphology, and/or leaving traces in PDE. Introduction to Old English spelling and graphemes. 

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 13:  Theory. Relevant changes from IndoEuropean to Germanic (500 BC-200 AD).
  • Lesson 14Theory. Relevant changes from Germanic to West-Germanic (200-400 AD).
  • Lesson 15Theory. Relevant changes from West-Germanic to early Old English (400-700/900 AD).
  • Lesson 16:     Practice. Revision and identification of sound changes in nominal and verb forms. 

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 3 + 3) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a).
  • Practice work: JURADO TORRESQUESANA (2006), MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 

Week 5: Old English Morphology: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, numerals, prepositions, verbs (weak, strong, anomalous) 

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 17:     Theory.     Nominal morphology.
  • Lesson 18:     Theory.     Verbal morphology i.
  • Lesson 19:     Theory.     Verbal     morphology ii.
  • Lesson 20:     Practice. DE LA CRUZ FERNÁNDEZ et al. (2003), MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher.

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 3 + 3) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a): § "Old English morphology" (pp. 94-106).
  • Practice work: MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 

Week 6: Old English Syntax: cases and inflections, tense and mood, word- and element- order (phrase and clause levels), inversion, anticipation, recapitulation, splitting of phrases, coordination, subordination, impersonal constructions. 

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 21:     Theory.     Syntax i.
  • Lesson 22:     Theory.     Syntax ii.
  • Lesson 23:     Theory.     Syntax iii.
  • Lesson 24:     Practice. Translation and analysis of short texts from DE LA CRUZ FERNÁNDEZ et al. (2003), MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 2 + 4) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a).
  • Practice work: MILLWARD (1996b), SMITH (1896) & material provided by the teacher.

Week 7: Old English Lexis: word-formation processes (compounding, affixation, derivation), native  vs foreign vocabulary 

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 25:     Theory.  Lexis.
  • Lesson 26:     Practice: lexis. MILLWARD (1996b).
  • Lesson 27:     Practice: Introduction to Old English texts. Translation and analysis of short texts: DE LA CRUZ FERNÁNDEZ et al. (2003), MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher.
  • Lesson 28:     Practice. Exam conventions: use of conventions and academic English for definitions, referencing, examples... 

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 2 + 4) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a)
  • Practice work: Further work on short OE texts (translation and analysis). 

Week 8: Practice with Old English prose texts 

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 29:     Practice.     Revision and application of theory contents i. Translation and analysis of an excerpt from the biblical passage of  Abraham and Isaac ("Gen 22" in  Dictionary of Old English Corpus on CD- ROM (Healey et al. 2011), from S.J. Crawford,  The Old English Version of the Heptateuch, pp. 81-211 in EETS original series 160, London: Early English Text Society, 1922; reprinted with additions by N.R. Ker, 1969; London, British Library, MS. Cotton Claudius B.IV).
  • Lesson 30:     Practice.    Revision and application of theory contents ii. Translation and analysis of excerpts from  Monasterialia Indicia. ("Notes 2 (Kluge)" in the  Dictionary of Old English Corpus on CD - ROM (Healey et al. 2011), from F. Kluge, 1985. "Zur Geschichte der Zeichensprache: Angelsächsische Indicia Monasterialia",   Techmers internationale Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 2: pp. 116-137; London, British Library, MS. Tiberius A.III.)
  • Lesson 31:     Practice.    Revision and application of theory contents iii. Translation and analysis of of an excerpt from  King Alfred's Letter to Wærferth or "Preface" to Gregory the Great's Cura Pastoralis. ("CPLetWærf" in the  Dictionary of Old English Corpus on CD-ROM (Healey et al. 2011), from H. Sweet, 1871.   King Alfred's West  -  Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care, I & II, pp. 3-9 in EETS original series 45, 50, London: Early English Text Society. Reprinted in 1958; Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Hatton 88.)
  • Lesson 32:     Practice.    Revision and application of theory contents iv. Further practice with any of the above texts. 

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 2 + 4) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a)
  • Practice work: Further practice with any of the above text excerpts: morphological, syntactical and lexical analysis. 

Unit 4 - Middle English (Internal History)  

Week 9: Middle English phonology: vocalic and consonantal changes from OE to ME, losses and additions to the phonemic system, graphemic system 

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 33:     Theory. Phonology: Vowels.
  • Lesson 34:     Theory. Phonology ii: Vowels, diphthongs and consonants.
  • Lesson 35:     Practice. Exercises from FREEBORN (1992).
  • Lesson 36:     Practice. Exercises from FREEBORN (1992). 

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 4 + 2) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a).
  • Practice work MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher.

Week 10: Middle English morphology: phonetic evolution and analogical changes in nouns, adjectives, pronouns and verbs. 

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 37:     Theory. Nominal morphology.
  • Lesson 38:     Theory. Adjetives and pronouns.
  • Lesson 39:     Theory. Verbal morphology.
  • Lesson 40:     Practice. CRYSTAL (2004): "Interlude 5" (pp. 117-120), "Two Peterborough Chronicles" (analysis of the entry for 1123 and that for 1134, written in 1154). 

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 4 + 2) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a). 
  • Practice work NIELSEN (1998) & material provided by the teacher.

Week 11: Middle English syntax & lexis 

Class time (4 hours) 

  1. Lesson 41:     Theory.  Syntax i.
  2. Lesson 42:     Theory.  Syntax ii. .
  3. Lesson 43:     Theory.  Lexis.
  4. Lesson 44:     Practice. Analsysis and translation of excerpts from Chaucer's "The Parsons Tale", as edited in FREEBORN (1992: p. 99). 

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 3 + 3) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a).
  • Practice work MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 

Week 12: Practice with Middle English texts in different dialects

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 45Practice.  Middle English dialects. FREEBORN (1998).
  • Lesson 46Practice. Translation and analysis of excerpts from Dan Michel's     Ayenbite of Inwyt  (1340) (Kentish ME): Texts 53 & 54 in FREEBORN (1988: pp. 173 & 176).
  • Lesson 47Practice. Translation and analysis of excerpts from John of Trevisa's translation of Ranulph Higden's Polychronicon (1385) (South Western ME): ALGEO (1993: pp. 171-173).
  • Lesson 48:     Practice. Translation and analysis of an excerpt from the     Mercers' Petition to Parliament (1385) (London ME) in MOSSÉ (1959, vol. II: 323-325). 

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 2 + 4) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a).
  • Practice work Further work on above-listed texts. MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 

Unit 5 - Modern English (Internal History) 

Week 13: Early Modern English Phonology, Morphology and Syntax 

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 49:     Theory.  Phonology.  
  • Lesson 50:     Theory.  Morphology.
  • Lesson 51:     Theory.   Syntax.
  • Lesson 52:     Practice. Translation and analysis (phonology, morphology, syntax and lexis) of a letter from the  Paston Letters (East Midlands dialect, 1442-1509): from Margaret Paston to her husband John on 19th May 1448 (RIGG (1968), chap. XXXII, pp. 211-214; text reproduced from N. Davis,  Paston Letters, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958, pp. 7-9). 

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 3 + 3) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a).
  • Practice work. MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 

Weeks  14 & 15: Modern English: lexis and practice 

Class time (4 hours) 

  • Lesson 53:     Theory.  Lexis.
  • Lesson 54:     Practice. Translation and analysis (phonology, morphology, syntax and lexis) of an excerpt from Caxton's "Preface" to the  Eneydos (1490), in ALGEO (1993: 198, from W. T. Culley and F. J. Furnivall (eds.),  Caxton's Eneydos, 1490, London: EETS ES 57, 1890.
  • Lesson 55:     Practice. Translation and analysis (phonology, morphology, syntax and lexis) of a letter from the  Harley Letters  (1638-1643), in BURNLEY (1992: 256-258), from Brilliana Harley to her son Edward Harley (19th July 1642).
  • Lesson 56:     Practice with Modern English. Translation and analysis (phonology, morphology, syntax and lexis) of selected exerpts from Shakespeare's plays

Autonomous work  (6 hours: 2 + 4) 

  • Reading: MILLWARD (1996a).
  • Practice work. MILLWARD (1996b) & material provided by the teacher. 


4 weekly classes for the whole group. The number of theory and practice classes per week may be subject to changes over the semester. The practical component is substantial: exercises, translation and text analysis. See the section titled "Full contents". The activities are based both on the course manual's exercise book (see section "Basic bibliography"), on other manuals (see section "Complementary bibliography"), and on exercises designed by the lecturer available in the UJA's virtual teaching platform

Students need to complete the practical activities, both those done in class and those done during self-study/autonomous work hours). The lecturer will revise the exercises and practical activities regularly in order to check and assess participation, interest and performance of students.


Students with special educational needs should contact the Student Attention Service (Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante) in order to receive the appropriate academic support


The final grade will be based on the following aspects:

  1. Regularity in theory and practice classes attendance, active participation in class (readings, translations and exercises, text analysis, through classroom observation and notes (5%), and follow-up practical activities through portfolio (15%). Competences: E.01, E.16, G10; Learning outcomes: R11, R19, R09.
  2. Acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge of the contents of the course, through a final written examen (theory and practice: concepts, exercises, translation and text commentary, on both internal and external history (60%). Competences:  E.01, E.05, E.06, E.07, E.16, G.01; Learning outcomes: R11, R12, R13, R14, R19, R01.

  3.  Individual or group assignments (structure, rigour, clarity, use of terminology and use of academic English) (20%). Competences: E.01, E.05, E.06, E.07, E.16, G.01, G.04, G.07, G.09, G.10, G.11; Learning outcomes: R11, R12, R13, R14, R19, R01, R04, R06, R08, R09, R10.

Should students have to take a second examination in the resit period, the final grade awarded will be based exclusively on the final exam, which will be worth 100% of the final mark.

  • A Biography of the English Language. Edition: 2nd ed. Author: Millward, C. M.. Publisher: Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, cop. 1996.
    • Notes: Se recomienda usar la tercera edición.
  • Workbook to accompany A biography of The English language. Edition: 2nd ed.. Author: Millward, Celia M.. Publisher: Fort Worth : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, cop. 1996  (Library)
  • The Origins and Development of the English Language. Edition: 4th ed. Author: Pyles, Thomas. Publisher: Fort Worth [etc.]: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, cop. 1993  (Library)
  • Language change. Edition: 1st published, repr. Author: Trask, R. L.. Publisher: London ; New York: Routledge, 2003  (Library)
  • From old English to standard English: a course book in language variation across time. Edition: 3rd ed.. Author: Freeborn, Dennis.. Publisher: Houndmills [etc.] : MacMillan Education, 2006.  (Library)
  • History of English. Edition: -. Author: Culpeper, Jonathan, 1966-. Publisher: London ; New York: Routledge, 1997  (Library)
  • A History of the English Language. Edition: 5th ed., repr.. Author: Baugh, Albert C.. Publisher: London : Routledge, 2010  (Library)
  • The English language : a linguistic history. Edition: 2nd ed. Author: Brinton, Laurel J. Publisher: Don Mills, Ont. : OUP Canada, c2011  (Library)
  • A history of the English language. Edition: -. Author: Gelderen, Elly van. Publisher: Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company , 2006  (Library)
  • A history of the English language. Edition: -. Author: -. Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006  (Library)
  • Origins of the English language: a social and linguistic history. Edition: -. Author: Williams, Joseph M.. Publisher: New York [etc.] : Free press [etc.], 1986  (Library)
  • A social history of English. Edition: 2nd. ed., repr.. Author: Leith, Dick. Publisher: London [etc.] : Routledge, 2003  (Library)