Universidad de Jaén

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Guía docente 2024-25 - 74212009 - Servicios avanzados multimedia

TITULACIÓN: Máster Univ. en Ingeniería de telecomunicación
CURSO: 2024-25
ASIGNATURA: Servicios avanzados multimedia
NOMBRE: Servicios avanzados multimedia
CÓDIGO: 74212009 CURSO ACADÉMICO: 2024-25
TIPO: Obligatoria
WEB: https://platea.ujaen.es
IMPARTE: Teoría - Prácticas [Profesor responsable]
N. DESPACHO: D - 140 E-MAIL: rviciana@ujaen.es TLF: 953648652
TUTORÍAS: https://uvirtual.ujaen.es/pub/es/informacionacademica/tutorias/p/77451
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2545-7229

It is integrated into the Telecommunication Technologies module, in the field of Telematics Engineering. In conjunction with the subjects of IP-based Networks and Network and Service Technologies, it contributes to providing students specific knowledge in the field of Telematics Engineering.


It is recommended to previously follow the subject of Network and Service Technologies. 

El alumnado que presente necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo, lo ha de notificar personalmente al Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante para proceder a realizar, en su caso, la adaptación curricular correspondiente.
código Denominación de la competencia
CB10 Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.
CB6 Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación
CB7 Que los estuduiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio
CB8 Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de conocimientos y juicios
CB9 Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las sustentan a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades
CE4 Capacidad para diseñar y dimensionar redes de transporte, difusión y distribución de señales multimedia.
CE6 Capacidad para modelar, diseñar, implantar, gestionar, operar, administrar y mantener redes, servicios y contenidos.
CE7 Capacidad para realizar la planificación, toma de decisiones y empaquetamiento de redes, servicios y aplicaciones considerando la calidad de servicio, los costes directos y de operación, el plan de implantación, supervisión, los procedimientos de seguridad, el escalado y el mantenimiento, así como gestionar y asegurar la calidad en el proceso de desarrollo.
CE8 Capacidad de comprender y saber aplicar el funcionamiento y organización de Internet, las tecnologías y protocolos de Internet de nueva generación, los modelos de componentes, software intermediario y servicios.
CE9 Capacidad para resolver la convergencia, interoperabilidad y diseño de redes heterogéneas con redes locales, de acceso y troncales, así como la integración de servicios de telefonía, datos, televisión e interactivos.
CG1 Respetar a los derechos fundamentales y de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, debiendo incluirse, en los planes de estudios en que proceda, enseñanzas relacionadas con dichos derechos
CG10 Ser capaces de asumir la responsabilidad de su propio desarrollo profesional y de su especialización en uno o más campos de estudio
CG2 Respetar y promocionar de los Derechos Humanos y los principios de accesibilidad universal y diseño para todos de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la disposición final décima de la Ley 51/2003, de 2 de diciembre, de Igualdad de oportunidades, no discriminación y accesibilidad universal de las personas con discapacidad, debiendo incluirse, en los planes de estudios en que proceda, enseñanzas relacionadas con dichos derechos y principios.
CG3 Conocer los valores propios de una cultura de paz y de valores democráticos, y debiendo incluirse, en los planes de estudios en que proceda, enseñanzas relacionadas con dichos valores.
CG4 Haber adquirido conocimientos avanzados y demostrado, en un contexto de investigación científica y tecnológica o altamente especializado, una comprensión detallada y fundamentada de los aspectos teóricos y prácticos y de la metodología de trabajo en uno o más campos de estudio.
CG5 Saber aplicar e integrar sus conocimientos, la comprensión de estos, su fundamentación científica y sus capacidades de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos y definidos de forma imprecisa, incluyendo contextos de carácter multidisciplinar tanto investigadores como profesionales altamente especializados;
CG6 Saber evaluar y seleccionar la teoría científica adecuada y la metodología precisa de sus campos de estudio para formular juicios a partir de información incompleta o limitada incluyendo, cuando sea preciso y pertinente, una reflexión sobre la responsabilidad social o ética ligada a la solución que se proponga en cada caso.
CG7 Ser capaces de predecir y controlar la evolución de situaciones complejas mediante el desarrollo de nuevas e innovadoras metodologías de trabajo adaptadas al ámbito científico/investigador, tecnológico o profesional concreto, en general multidisciplinar, en el que se desarrolle su actividad
CG8 Saber transmitir de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades a un público especializado o no, resultados procedentes de la investigación científica y tecnológica o del ámbito de la innovación más avanzada, así como los fundamentos más relevantes sobre los que se sustentan.
CG9 Haber desarrollado la autonomía suficiente para participar en proyectos de investigación y colaboraciones científicas o tecnológicas dentro su ámbito temático, en contextos interdisciplinares y, en su caso, con una alta componente de transferencia del conocimiento.
CT1 Capacidad de análisis de problemas, síntesis de soluciones y comunicación oral y escrita de los resultados a distintos públicos.
CT2 Capacidad de organización, planificación y de gestión de la información.
CT3 Capacidad para las relaciones interpersonales y el trabajo en equipos de carácter interdisciplinar
CT4 Formación para llevar a cabo un aprendizaje autónomo, que se adapte a nuevas situaciones aplicando en la práctica los conocimientos teóricos.
CT5 Capacidad de buscar y encontrar información de distintas fuentes y para entender el lenguaje y propuestas de otros especialistas
CT6 Ser capaz de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que,siendo limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios.
CT7 Sensibilidad hacia temas medioambientales y hacia la búsqueda de un modelo de desarrollo más sostenible.
Resultados de aprendizaje
Resultado Resul-27 Conocimiento de los principios de planificación y configuración de redes de comunicaciones.
Resultado Resul-28 Conocimiento de los principios de gestión de redes de comunicaciones
Resultado Resul-31 Conocimiento de tecnologías de servicios y aplicaciones telemáticas
Resultado Resul-33 Entender el empaquetamiento de datos, escalado de redes y los procedimientos de seguridad
Resultado Resul-34 Capacidad de comprender y saber aplicar el funcionamiento y organización de Internet, las tecnologías y protocolos de Internet de nueve generación
Resultado Resul-40 Capacidad para diseñar y dimensionar redes de transporte, difusión y distribución de contenidos multimedia
Resultado Resul-41 Capacidad para realizar la planificación, toma de decisiones, y empaquetamiento de redes, servicios y aplicaciones considerando la calidad de servicio, los costes directos y de operación, el plan de implantación, supervisión, los procedimientos de seguridad, el escalado y el mantenimiento
Resultado Resul-43 Capacidad para la integración de servicios de telefonía, televisión e interactivos


This course offers a description of nowadays multimedia services and evolution. The network architectures that allow bearing those services as well as the protocols involved are described. The standards evolution is considered, starting from those ones standardized from the ITU-T (H.248, H.323), protocols included in the IP architecture (RTC, RTCP, SIP, etc.), and in new approaches such as DASH and WebRTC. The infrastructures required to deploy multimedia services, such as IPTV, the IMS for mobile networks and multicast distribution of content are analysed. The main features of the traffic generated by the multimedia services are also detailed by focusing into quality of service and security aspects (network and data) of nowadays technologies. 

The practical content includes the design and configuration of real time multimedia systems and the monitoring and analysis of multimedia traffic. In addition to the development of skills in the communication of information, ideas, problems and solutions in the field of engineering, they must respond to the results obtained as described in the methodology section, by means of interviews with the teacher and the submission of reports after each practical  .

Below, a more detailed description of the content is provided:

Theory block

1. Introduction to Multimedia Services and Networks

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Network components and multimedia services.

1.3 Services classification.

1.4 Audio and Video Services.

1.5 Introduction to protocols for real time interactive applications.

       1.6 Multimedia traffic characterization.

2. Protocols 

2.1 Sessions establishment and control

2.2 Transport of multimedia streams

2.3 Remote Interaction: RTSP

2.4 HTTP Streaming.

3 Network architectures

3.1  ITU Architecture: Family of standards H.323

3.2 VoIP architecture

3.3 IpTV architecture.

4. Multicast/broadcast services

 4.1 Introduction. IP multicast.

 4.2 Multicast protocols and addressing.

 4.3 Application Level Multicasting.

5. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)

 5.1 Introduction

 5.2 Architecture: Elements, interfaces and protocol

 5.3 Functions and services

Practical block

The practical block of the course consists of laboratory practices, and its mandatory.

PRACTICE 1. Audio and video traffic analysis with Wireshark protocol analyzer.

  1. Analysis of speech and video applications.
  2. Capture and analysis of multimedia traffic with Wireshark
  3. Performance evaluation.  

PRACTICE 2. Development of multimedia applications or services by employing java/javascript/c++ and or 3D technologies.

  1. Familiarization with node.js, html5, webRTC/ Analysis of 3D technologies (Java3D, WebGL, HTML5, Unity, and Three.js) and with communications and multimedia processing libraries (Yolo, TensorFlow, sockets, websockets, etc.).
  2. Study of fundamentals for Multimedia applications development. Evaluation of IDEs, programming languages, emulators and/or multiplatform deployment .
  3. Development of a multimedia application or service and performance evaluation of data exchange.

PRACTICE 3. Business voice service and security in Voice over IP (VoIP). Configuring a voice transmission service (VoIP) in a company with different branch offices.

  1. Analysis of required elements, codecs and standards for VoIP.
  2. Cisco equipments or WebRTC terminals configuration for VoIP.
  3. Security tools analysis for VoIP. Risks and possible solutions. 
  4. Connectivity tests and activations of additional utilities such as, billing, calls redirection, etc.

A1 - Clases expositivas en gran grupo
  • M1 - Clases expositivas en gran grupo: Clases magistrales
  • M2 - Clases expositivas en gran grupo: Exposición de teoría y ejemplos generales
29.1 43.65 72.75 2.91
  • CB8
  • CB9
  • CE4
  • CE6
  • CE7
  • CE8
  • CG2
  • CG3
  • CG4
  • CG5
  • CG6
  • CT1
  • CT7
A2 - Clases en grupos de prácticas
  • M6 - Clases en grupos de prácticas: Actividades prácticas
  • M7 - Clases en grupos de prácticas: Seminarios
  • M9 - Clases en grupos de prácticas: Laboratorios
29.1 43.65 72.75 2.91
  • CB10
  • CB6
  • CB7
  • CB9
  • CE9
  • CG1
  • CG10
  • CG3
  • CG7
  • CG8
  • CG9
  • CT2
  • CT3
  • CT4
  • CT5
  • CT6
A3 - Tutorias Colectivas
  • M15 - Tutorias Colectivas/Individuales: Seminarios
1.8 2.7 4.5 0.18
  • CG1
  • CG2
  • CG3
  • CG5
TOTALES: 60.0 90.0 150.0 6.0  

Throughout all the activities of the course, attention will be paid to two fundamental aspects in relation to inclusion and equity (SDG-4), which will also be part of the participation aspect evaluation:

  • Promoting the use of inclusive language in both large and small group lectures, both written and oral, and attending to activities of various kinds (lectures and seminars where the student can be the instructor, practice with hardware and software, reports and tests with multiple choice questions) focused on being equitable with the different learning abilities of the student.
  • Attendance, as well as active, respectful and responsible participation, either to raise doubts or to respond to the teacher's requests or questions, will be evaluated positively in its corresponding factor.

Large group lectures

The methodology to be followed in large-group lectures will be a mixture of introductory activities, lectures and the presentation of theory and general examples in the classroom designated for the course by the centre.

In addition to the presentation of the theoretical content of the course, the ability to collect and interpret data and handle complex concepts within Advance Multimedia Services will be developed and promoted, in order to make judgements that involve reflection on ethical and social issues. Indeed, during these sessions the activities introduced have as a main goal to motivate the research and critical analysis about nowadays technologies involved in the deployment of multimedia services as well as their effect in the society life style regarding communication, such as the network neutrality, changes due to the multimedia inclusion in the social networks, etc.

Students must follow the lecturer's presentation with the material provided for this purpose through the PLATEA platform, whether notes or slides, which must be completed with their own notes and with the subsequent review of the basic and/or recommended bibliography.

The autonomous work of the student should focus on the revision of the concepts and theoretical aspects seen in class, exercises completion, as well as their study with the material provided by the lectures, the student's notes and bibliography.


Exercises/case studies resolutions in groups and seminars about relevant contents related with the practical sessions will be introduced. During these sessions the student will be encouraged to develop their skills of solving a specific problem associated with the multimedia distribution of content through the use of different available technologies. They should also have to analyse the possible problems that can be encountered due to differences in the format distribution, network operators, services providers to exchange multimedia data and control and manage the distribution in worldwide contexts.

Lab Sessions

Prior to these sessions, students in pairs will have to complete some autonomous work in preparation for the practices supported by a script that will be published in PLATEA, which will include both the autonomous work activities and support information for carrying them out, as well as a detailed description of the tasks to perform in the laboratory and the associated information that must be recorded and shared with the lecturer during their final supervision

During these sessions the active participation developing supervised practices about applications configuration and traffic measurements is promoted, but also the development of a real time multimedia application via following a PBL approach. These sessions are designed to make the student to get used to update their knowledge about new technologies as well as to be able to formulate critical analysis about the main benefits or drawbacks of their deployment compared to other technologies.

Besides the initial practices preparation, the autonomous work will focus on the preparation of the documentation to submit, as well as on completing the unfinished work started in the laboratory. Special emphasis will be placed on the need for continuous training and to undertake this activity independently throughout their professional life, as well as on the ability to keep up to date with new developments in the field of Information Technology Engineering, with a more technical approach.

Group tutorials

Group tutorials will be used to resolve doubts, monitor and supervise work and exercises, as well as to attend and participate in the different seminars planned for the course, in addition to talks, conferences, workshops and/or seminars, designated by the lecturer, with the aim of completing and updating training and obtaining general, transversal and/or specific competences defined for this activity, such as the value of continuous training, entrepreneurship or the review of technological innovations in the course.

Asistencia y/o participación en actividades presenciales y/o virtuales - Active participation in class. - Active participation in laboratory. - Participation in tutorial sessions. - Lecturer notes and observation. - Participation using teaching platform (ILIAS) - Test answers. - Evaluation exams. 10.0%
Conceptos teóricos de la materia -Knowledge of the theoretical concepts. - Theoretical exam (objective exam with short/large answers or test format). - Evaluation exams. - Questions proposed in class. 30.0%
Realización de trabajos, casos o ejercicios - Knowledge of the operating tools. For each work, it will be evaluated: structure, way of resolution, originality, spelling and presentation. - Solving exercises proposed in class. - Evaluation of works. - Evaluation exams. 30.0%
Prácticas de laboratorio/campo/uso de herramientas TIC - Design and development of solutions for practical issues. It will be evaluated: structure, way of resolution, originality, spelling and presentation. - Written or oral exam. - Documentation of practising. - Evaluation exams. 30.0%
El sistema de calificación se regirá por lo establecido en el RD 1125/2003 de 5 de septiembre por el que se establece el sistema europeo de créditos y el sistema de calificaciones en la titulaciones universitarias de carácter oficial

At the end of the term the students can choose between two assessment modalities:  CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT or FINAL EXAM.

Continuous Assessment

The Continuous Assessment modality will be carried out according to the outcomes of the activities planned in the syllabus and described in the section "Methodology and activities", in addition to those described in the section "Detailed description of the Continuous Assessment" that will be weighted by considering the aspects and percentages detailed in the above table.

In order to pass the course, students must obtain a grade equal to or higher than 5.0 out of 10 in the overall results, but with the condition of obtaining a grade equal to or higher than 4.0 in each of the individual aspects assessed.  Otherwise, in the case of failing any of these two conditions (a grade equal to or higher than 5.0 out of 10 in the overall results, or equal to or higher than 4.0 in any of the assessed aspects), the student must follow the Final Exam modality.

Final Exam

In the FINAL EXAM modality, an exam will be held on the day set for the course within the exam period, which will cover all the course contents, ensuring that students have acquired the competences and learning outcomes established for the course. The two parts of this written exam are weighed as follows:

  • Part 1: Attendance and participation, theoretical concepts and completion of study cases or exercises assignments (S1, S2, and S3): 70%.
  • Part 2: Laboratory/ computer practical work (S4): 30%.

The specific conditions, as well as the material and/or documentation that may be used in the Final Exam will be established by the lecturer.

In order to pass the course, students must obtain a grade equal to or higher than 5.0 out of 10 in each of the two parts.

Students who have passed the S4 aspect (laboratory/computer practical work) of the course, through CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT, with a grade equal to or higher than 5.0 out of 10, will not have to take Part 2 corresponding to this aspect in the exam. The same grade obtained in the CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT will be assigned to this part.

The parts passed at each exam attempt will be maintained until the end of the academic year.

Detailed Description of the Continuous Assessment System

For those students whose assessment is carried out on a continuous basis, this will be based on the monitoring and carrying out of the activities included in the four categories presented in the Assessment System, which make up the total of the assessable elements of the subject:

  • S1, Attendance and active participation (10%).
  • S2, Theoretical concepts (30%).
  • S3, Exercises, cases and exercise (30%).
  • S4, Laboratory/computer practice (30%).

Each of these aspects will be detailed in the following subsections:

Attendance and Active participation: 10%. The level of attendance will be computed considering practical (reduced groups) and theoretical/problems sessions (lectures with theory groups). The level of active participation will be evaluated via the students' participation and autonomous work in various proposed activities within lectures and lab sessions. The following competences will be evaluated with this method:  CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG7, CG9, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT6 and SDG-4. A positive evaluation assessed with this method will mean that the students have achieved the following competencies or learning results: 34, 40, 41.

Theoretical concepts: 30%. During the semester there will be some tests or activities to assess with a continuous evaluation the theoretical questions developed during lectures. In addition, the questions proposed as autonomous work or through PLATEA (LMS) will be included as part of this evaluation. The following competences will be evaluated with this method: CB9, CB10, CG2, CG3, CG4, CT1, CT2, CE4, CE6, CE7, CE8, CE9. A positive evaluation assessed with this method will mean that the students have achieved the following competencies or learning results:  27, 28, 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 43.

Exercises and case studies: 30%. During the semester there will be questions/tests or activities about the problems and practical cases studied in the lectures. In addition, the development and presentation of the material related to activities proposed through the LMS will be also considered as part of the continuous evaluation. The following competences will be evaluated with this method: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG7, CG9, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT6, CT7, CE4, CE6, CE7, CE8, CE9. A positive evaluation assessed through this method will mean that the students have achieved the following competencies or learning results:  27, 28, 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 43.

Lab/computer practical sessions: 30%. This item takes into account the development of the design practices and the documentation requested. The following competences will be evaluated with this method: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG7, CG9, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT6, CT7, CE4, CE6, CE7, CE8, CE9. A positive evaluation assessed with this method will mean that the students have achieved the following competencies or learning results:  27, 28, 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 43.

The grade system is ruled by RD 1125/2003 of 5th September, which established the European Credits System for the official university studies.

  • Programación de aplicaciones de red: Protocolos de Internet Cliente-Servidor. Edición: -. Autor: Juan Carlos Cuevas Martinez. Editorial: ALTARIA PUBLICACIONES, S.L. .
    • Observaciones: Practice 2
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Computer networking: a top-down approach. Edición: 5th ed.. Autor: Kurose, James F.. Editorial: Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2009..
    • Observaciones: Unit 1, Unit 2, Practice 3.
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Multimedia over IP and wireless networks [Recurso electrónico] : compression, networking, and system. Edición: -. Autor: -. Editorial: Burlington, MA : Academic Press Elsevier, 2007  (C. Biblioteca)
  • Multimedia networking from theory to practice. Edición: -. Autor: Hwang, Jenq-Neng. Editorial: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
    • Observaciones: Practice 1, Unit 1, Unit 4
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Multimedia networks: protocols, design and applications. Edición: 1. Autor: Barz,H.W. and Basset, G.A.. Editorial: WILEY.
    • Observaciones: Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 5
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • RTP: audio and video for the Internet. Edición: -. Autor: Perkins, Colin. Editorial: Boston [etc.]: Addison-Wesley, 2003.
    • Observaciones: Unit 2
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • The 3G IP multimedia subsystem (IMS): merging the Internet and the cellular worlds. Edición: 3rd ed.. Autor: Camarillo, Gonzalo. Editorial: Hoboken, NJ : J. Wiley & Sons, 2008..
    • Observaciones: Unit 5
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • QoS in Packet Networks [Recurso electrónico] . Edición: -. Autor: Park, Kun I.. Editorial: Boston, MA : Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2005..
    • Observaciones: Unit 1
     (C. Biblioteca)


Master clases and Use cases

Lab Sessions


Autonomous work



2nd Semester







1 st : 17  feb -21  feb






U1/  Presentation

2 nd : 24  -  1 march






U 1/P1

3 rd : 3 -8  march






U 1/P1

4th : 10  -15 march






U 1/P1

5 th : 17-22  march






U 1 /P2

6 th : 24  - 29  march

          2            2              4        U1/U2/P2

7th:  31-5 april

           2           2               6         U2/P2

th   :   - 12  april

          2            2             6         U2/P2

Easter week

9 th : 21 -26  april







10 th : 28-3 may






11 th : 5 - 10  may







12 th :  12  -17  may







13 th: 19  - 24  may







14 th : 26  - 31  may







15 th : 2 -7  june






Exam Period

16h: 9 -14   june






17th: 16-21 june (14th )






18th 23 -28     june






19th: 27- 2 july












Educación de calidad
Industria, innovación e infraestructura

Goal 4. Quality education

Throughout all the activities of the subject, fundamental aspects in relation to inclusion and equity will be addressed, which will also be part of the evaluation of the participation aspects. Thus, it will be promoted, both in large group expository classes, as well as in small groups, to use inclusive language both at the written and oral level and to attend to activities of various kinds focused on being equitable with the different learning capacities of the student.

Furthermore, on the one hand, in large group classes the ability to collect and interpret data and handle complex concepts in the field of [telecommunications] will be developed and enhanced, to make judgments that involve reflection on ethical and social issues. On the other hand, in small group classes special emphasis will be placed on the need for continuous training and undertaking this activity independently throughout one's professional life, as well as the ability to stay up to date with new developments. in the field of telecommunications, taking a more technical approach.

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Through the activities of this subject in large and small group classes, special emphasis is placed on the fact that [telecommunication] systems and services must be developed, implemented and maintained in a way that achieves resilient and robust industrialization, as well as as sustainable.

Furthermore, both with the training of content, abilities, skills and abilities, and with the development of the activities proposed to the students, personal initiative and the ability to solve problems autonomously are promoted in order to encourage innovation as a driving force for industrial development, especially in the field of telecommunications, as well as a wealth-generating element of a society.


Teaching methodology and learning activities


Learning activities


Teaching methodology Description

A1. Lectures with big group of students

100% in the classroom

Participatory master class sessions, lasting one or two hours each, held in the classroom.

A2. Lectures with practical groups

100% in the classroom

Development of practical sessions, lasting two hours each, in laboratories.

A3. Tutorial lessons

100% inthe classroom

Tutorial sessions, both collective and individual, will be carried out preferably online (synchronous and/or asynchronous).


Tutoring sessions will be agreed between the person responsible for the subject/group and the students.



The schedule can vary mainly due to the change from multi-modal scenario to the online one.


Evaluation system

There are no changes in the evaluation format (weights of each section) or in what is specified in the detailed evaluation.

Since the evaluation of the subject is continuous, there will only be an exam in the event that the student opts for the Single Test Evaluation, which is summarized in the following tables:

Ordinary exam





Final exam evaluation



This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects of the subject, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the coursse. This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the centre.

S1, S2 and S3: 70%

S4: 30%


Extraordinary exam





Final exam evaluation



This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects of the subject, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the course. This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the centre.

S1, S2 and S3: 70%

S4: 30%



Given that the attendance in the large group lectures and in the classes in practice groups is 100%, no exceptional resources are foreseen for them.



The content of P3 will be changed for a practice based on WebRTC videoconference deployment with security.


Teaching methodology and learning activities


Learning activities


Teaching methodology Description

A1. Lectures with big group of students.

- Synchronous classes by videoconference.



The sessions of participative face-to-face classes, of one or two hours each, are replaced by other activities carried out through the Internet such as:

 - Classes by videoconference or in virtual classroom

- Review of content on the Internet (forums, - specialized websites)

A2. Lectures with practical groups


Practical sessions are replaced by online training activities, of two hours each, by other activities carried out through the Internet such as:

- Virtualized or simulation activities.

- Visualization of videos with explanation of the practical contents.

- Joint programming in videoconference sessions and through the use of collaborative programming tools (github, etc.)


A3. Tutorial lessons


-Tutorial sessions, both collective and individual, will be carried out preferably online (synchronous and/or asynchronous).


-Tutorial sessions will be agreed between the person responsible for the subject/group and the students.



The schedule can vary mainly due to the change from multi-modal scenario to the online one.

Evaluation system

There are no changes in the evaluation format (weights of each section) or in what is specified in the detailed evaluation.

Since the evaluation of the subject is continuous, there will only be an exam in the event that the student opts for the Single Test Evaluation, which is summarized in the following tables:

Ordinary exam





Final exam evaluation



This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects of the subject, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the subject. This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the centre.

S1, S2 and S3: 70%

S4: 30%


Extraordinary exam





Final exam evaluation



This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects of the subject, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the subject. This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the centre.

S1, S2 and S3: 70%

S4: 30%



Since all the teaching, either in the exposition classes in large groups or in the classes in practice groups, be taught online, the following resources will need to be used:

Common telematic resources (lecturers and students):

  •  PC equipment or similar.
  • Videoconference system or virtual classroom, such as Google Meet or BigBlueButton.
  • Use of interactive tools: screen sharing to use comments as a virtual whiteboard in PDF presentations.


Responsable del tratamiento: Universidad de Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n, 23071 Jaén

Delegado de Protección de Datos:dpo@ujaen.es

Finalidad: Conforme a la Ley de Universidades y demás legislación estatal y autonómica vigente, realizar los exámenes correspondientes a las asignaturas en las que el alumno o alumna se encuentre matriculado. Con el fin de evitar fraudes en la realización del mismo, el examen se realizará en la modalidad de video llamada, pudiendo el personal de la Universidad de Jaén contrastar la imagen de la persona que está realizando la prueba de evaluación con los archivos fotográficos del alumno en el momento de la matrícula. Igualmente, con la finalidad de dotar a la prueba de evaluación de contenido probatorio de cara a revisiones o impugnaciones de la misma, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente, la prueba de evaluación será grabada.

Legitimación: cumplimiento de obligaciones legales (Ley de Universidades) y demás normativa estatal y autonómica vigente.

Destinatarios: prestadores de servicios titulares de las plataformas en las que se realicen las pruebas con los que la Universidad de Jaén tiene suscritos los correspondientes contratos de acceso a datos.

Plazos de conservación: los establecidos en la normativa aplicable. En el supuesto en concreto de las grabaciones de los exámenes, mientras no estén cerradas las actas definitivas y la prueba de evaluación pueda ser revisada o impugnada.

Derechos: puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación, oposición, supresión, limitación y portabilidad remitiendo un escrito a la dirección postal o electrónica indicada anteriormente. En el supuesto que considere que sus derechos han sido vulnerados, puede presentar una reclamación ante el Consejo de Transparencia y Protección de Datos de Andalucía www.ctpdandalucia.es


Responsable del tratamiento: Universidad de Jaén, Paraje Las Lagunillas, s/n; Tel.953 212121; www.ujaen.es

Delegado de Protección de Datos (DPO): TELEFÓNICA, S.A.U. ; Email: dpo@ujaen.es

Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestionar la adecuada grabación de las sesiones docentes con el objetivo de hacer posible la enseñanza en un escenario de docencia multimodal y/o no presencial.

Plazo de conservación: Las imágenes serán conservadas durante los plazos legalmente previstos en la normativa vigente.

Legitimación: Los datos son tratados en base al cumplimiento de obligaciones legales (Ley Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Universidades) y el consentimiento otorgado mediante la marcación de la casilla habilitada a tal efecto.

Destinatarios de los datos (cesiones o transferencias): Toda aquella persona que vaya a acceder a las diferentes modalidades de enseñanza.

Derechos: Ud. podrá ejercitar los derechos de Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación, Portabilidad, Limitación del tratamiento, Supresión o, en su caso, Oposición. Para ejercitar los derechos deberá presentar un escrito en la dirección arriba señalada dirigido al Servicio de Información, Registro y Administración Electrónica de la Universidad de Jaén, o bien, mediante correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico. Deberá especificar cuál de estos derechos solicita sea satisfecho y, a su vez, deberá acompañarse de la fotocopia del DNI o documento identificativo equivalente. En caso de que actuara mediante representante, legal o voluntario, deberá aportar también documento que acredite la representación y documento identificativo del mismo. Asimismo, en caso de considerar vulnerado su derecho a la protección de datos personales, podrá interponer una reclamación ante el Consejo de Transparencia y Protección de Datos de Andalucía www.ctpdandalucia.es