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Guía docente 2024-25 - 74212005 - Circuitos de instrumentación electrónica
TITULACIÓN: | Máster Univ. en Ingeniería de telecomunicación |
CURSO: | 2024-25 |
ASIGNATURA: | Circuitos de instrumentación electrónica |
NOMBRE: Circuitos de instrumentación electrónica | |||||
CÓDIGO: 74212005 | CURSO ACADÉMICO: 2024-25 | ||||
TIPO: Obligatoria | |||||
Créditos ECTS: 6.0 | CURSO: 1 | CUATRIMESTRE: PC | |||
WEB: https://platea.ujaen.es |
IMPARTE: Teoría - Prácticas [Profesor responsable] | ||
N. DESPACHO: D - 115 | E-MAIL: jmunoz@ujaen.es | TLF: 953 648635 |
TUTORÍAS: https://uvirtual.ujaen.es/pub/es/informacionacademica/tutorias/p/77714 | ||
URL WEB: jmunoz@ujaen.es | ||
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6190-7077 | ||
There are not pre-requisites for this subject
The topics included in the subject Electronic Circuit for Instrumentation will complete -in two main lines- the knowledge of the students enrolled in the Master of Telecommunications of the University of Jaén. First, the subject will be a approach in order to get the knowledge and skills to design simple analog integrated circuits based on CMOS technology. In the second place the subject will put in practice the knowledge acquired to design electronic circuits able to get measurements of physical parameters by using sensors.
El alumnado que presente necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo, lo ha de notificar personalmente al Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante para proceder a realizar, en su caso, la adaptación curricular correspondiente.código | Denominación de la competencia |
CB6 | Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación |
CB7 | Que los estuduiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio |
CE10 | Capacidad para diseñar y fabricar circuitos integrados. |
CE11 | Conocimiento de los lenguajes de descripción hardware para circuitos de alta complejidad. |
CE12 | Capacidad para utilizar dispositivos lógicos programables, así como para diseñar sistemas electrónicos avanzados, tanto analógicos como digitales. Capacidad para diseñar componentes de comunicaciones como por ejemplo encaminadores, conmutadores, concentradores, emisores y receptores en diferentes bandas. |
CE13 | Capacidad para aplicar conocimientos avanzados de fotónica y optoelectrónica, así como electrónica de alta frecuencia. |
CE14 | Capacidad para desarrollar instrumentación electrónica, así como transductores, actuadores y sensores. |
CG1 | Respetar a los derechos fundamentales y de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, debiendo incluirse, en los planes de estudios en que proceda, enseñanzas relacionadas con dichos derechos |
CG2 | Respetar y promocionar de los Derechos Humanos y los principios de accesibilidad universal y diseño para todos de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la disposición final décima de la Ley 51/2003, de 2 de diciembre, de Igualdad de oportunidades, no discriminación y accesibilidad universal de las personas con discapacidad, debiendo incluirse, en los planes de estudios en que proceda, enseñanzas relacionadas con dichos derechos y principios. |
CG3 | Conocer los valores propios de una cultura de paz y de valores democráticos, y debiendo incluirse, en los planes de estudios en que proceda, enseñanzas relacionadas con dichos valores. |
CG4 | Haber adquirido conocimientos avanzados y demostrado, en un contexto de investigación científica y tecnológica o altamente especializado, una comprensión detallada y fundamentada de los aspectos teóricos y prácticos y de la metodología de trabajo en uno o más campos de estudio. |
CG5 | Saber aplicar e integrar sus conocimientos, la comprensión de estos, su fundamentación científica y sus capacidades de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos y definidos de forma imprecisa, incluyendo contextos de carácter multidisciplinar tanto investigadores como profesionales altamente especializados; |
CT1 | Capacidad de análisis de problemas, síntesis de soluciones y comunicación oral y escrita de los resultados a distintos públicos. |
CT2 | Capacidad de organización, planificación y de gestión de la información. |
CT5 | Capacidad de buscar y encontrar información de distintas fuentes y para entender el lenguaje y propuestas de otros especialistas |
CT6 | Ser capaz de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que,siendo limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios. |
Resultados de aprendizaje | |
Resultado Resul-16 | Aprender a diseñar circuitos analógicos integrados para aplicaciones de adquisición de datos. |
Resultado Resul-17 | Conocer los principios de funcionamiento de los principals sesores y saber usarlos en aplicaciones prácticas. |
Resultado Resul-18 | Capacidad para manejar herramientas de software de diseño de circuitos integrados y adquisición de señales. |
Resultado Resul-19 | Habilidad para resolver problemas relacionados con la materia. |
Resultado Resul-20 | Diseñar sistemas de medida con sensores. |
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Amplification stages
Chapter 3. Differential amplifier
Chapter 4. Operational amplifiers
Chapter 5. Temperature measuring
Chapter 6. Resistive sensors
Chapter 7. Capacitive sensors
Chapter 8. Magnetic sensors
Chapter 1. Introduction
Definitions. Technical evolution of IC. Integration
Scales. Manufacturing processes of IC. Signals and variables.
Measuring systems. Static/dynamic characteristics. CAD
Chapter 2. Bipolar Junction Transistor
Introduction. DC response review. Basic biasing
configurations. AC response review. Basic amplifying
Practical seminar. First
laboratory contact: Light Detector
Chapter 3. Mosfet Transistor
Introduction. MOSFET. The physics of operation. DC
response of the MOSFET. AC response of the MOSFET. Biasing MOSFET
Circuits. Current sources. Amplification stages based on MOSFET.
Practical session 1: Twilight
switch with timer
Chapter 4. Real Operational Amplifier
Operational amplifier a key device in
electronics. Internal schematic: three basic
stages. Ideal response of the operational
amplifier. on-idealialities of the operational
amplifier. Offset voltage. Bias current. Offset current.
Common mode voltage range. Common mode rejection ratio. Gain and
Bandwidth. Input and output impedance. Slew-rate.
Practical session 2: Operational
amplifier application
Chapter 5. Introduction to measurement systems.
Overall schematic of an
intrumentation system. Sensors and trannsducers. Signal
conditioning. Analog to digital converters. Static and dynamic
features of instrumentation systems. Acquisition, analysis, and
data storage using LabView. Errors and uncertainty analysis.
Practical seminar: Introduction to Labview
Practical session 3: LabVIEW. Flow program control structures : Calculator
Chapter 6. Sensors and Basic Conditioning Systems Using
Operational Amplifiers
loop. Comparator. Positive and negative feedback. Positive
feedback: Schmitt trigger. Negative feedback: series-parallel
configuration. Main amplification configurations for
instrumentation: differential amplifier and Instrumentation
amplifier. Voltage sensors output: types and recommendations.
Sensing high voltage: voltage divider and isolation amplifier.
Conditioning circuits for resistive sensors: voltage divider and
Wheatstone bridge. Band-gap voltage references. Other resistive
sensors and conditioning circuits. Sensing current: shunt
resistor and Hall effect sensor
Practical session 4: LabVIEW.
Temperature acquisition and control by myDAQ.
Practical session 5: Third
parties hardware. Controlling the Arduino UNO by LabVIEW.
Practical session 6: Uncertainty
study with multimiter RIGOL DM3058E
Chapter 7. Electronic drivers and actuators
Measurement systems and control. Electronic drivers and actuators. Electronic devices to control DC loads. BJT transistor. MOSFET transistor. IGBT transistor. Optocoupler. Electronic devices to control AC loads. Thyristor (SCR). Triac. Optotriac (MOC). Electromechanical switching device: Relay. Solid state relay (SSR)
Practical session 7: AC switching device based on a TRIAC for Arduino UNO.
A1 - Clases expositivas en gran grupo
29.1 | 43.65 | 72.75 | 2.91 |
A2 - Clases en grupos de prácticas
29.1 | 43.65 | 72.75 | 2.91 |
A3 - Tutorias Colectivas
1.8 | 2.7 | 4.5 | 0.18 |
TOTALES: | 60.0 | 90.0 | 150.0 | 6.0 |
The methodology followed in this subject are based on four main
1) Lessons and seminars. It means master lectures delivered
by the professor where the active participation of the students is
going to be boosted.
2) Practical lessons. These lessons will be delivered in the
laboratory in groups where the maximum number of student per group
will not be more that 20 people. These lessons will allow to put in
practice the concepts which will be describe through the
theoretical lessons.
3) Presentations by the students in class. The students will
expose their works about some topics which it will be proposed by
the professor.
4) Tutorial sessions in group or individual. This activity
will allow to give a more personal answer to the doubts that the
students will have along the academic year.
The development of large group and small group lectures will be focused on promoting quality teaching by giving priority to activities that foster inclusive and equitable learning (SDG-4)
Asistencia y/o participación en actividades presenciales y/o virtuales | -Active participation in lectures and tutorials. - Active participation in lab work. -Attendance to individual tutorial and activities. | Observation and problems resolution | 10.0% |
Conceptos teóricos de la materia | Practical and theoretical assimilation of subject concepts. | Written exam | 50.0% |
Prácticas de laboratorio/campo/uso de herramientas TIC | Design and implementation of electronic circuits | -Documentation delivered. The revision for each document includes: -Structure - Quality - Novelty - Clarity of presentation | 40.0% |
The evaluation of the subject is based on four points:
1) Attendance and active participation in lectures. This
point will represent 5% of the final mark.
2) Problems resolution and/or presentations in class. This
point will represent 25% of the final mark. The problems will
have to be solved and given for its correction by the professor.
The presentations will consist in a hour of speech of a proposed
topic by the professor.
3) Design and implementation of electronic circuits in
practical sessions. This point will represent the 35% of the final
mark. There will be practical sessions which are going to be
corrected in the laboratory and other ones which will be necessary
to prepare a final report.
4) Written exam. This point will represent 35% of the
final mark.
It is mandatory to obtain at the very least a minimum mark
of 3.5 to pass the subject.
Relevant information for extra session exam (July)
The mark for S4 (pracitical sessions) in the extra exam session will be assessed by a practical exam, if any . Nevertheless, a mark up to 4 in S2 (written exam) will be necessary to proceed to the computation of the overall mark (computing as the average of the available ones ). The weigths will be also modified due to the fact that S1 mark is not applicable in the extra exam session, so only S2 (60%) and S4 (40%) will be computed. The student will pass the course in case they get a overall mark in exceed of 5.
The first point described above is aimed to evaluate the progress of the students in order to achieve the competences CB6, CG1, CG2, CG3, CT1 and CT5. Moreover, the following results of the learning are also evaluated by this activity: Resul-16 and Result-17.
The second point described above is aimed to evaluate the progress of the students in order to achieve the competences CB6, CE12, CG5 and CT1. Moreover, the following results of the learning are also evaluated by this activity: Resul-16, Resul-17, Resul-18 and Result-19.
The third point described above is aimed to evaluate the progress of the students in order to achieve the competences CB6, CE10, CE11, CE12, CE13, CE14, CG4, CG5 and CT2. Moreover, the following results of the learning are also evaluated by this activity: Resul-16, Resul-17, Resul-19 and Result-20.
The fourth point described above is aimed to evaluate the progress of the students in order to achieve the competences CB7, CE10, CE12, CG4, CG5 and CT1. Moreover, the following results of the learning are also evaluated by this activity: Resul-18, Resul-19 and Resul-20.
Microelectronics circuits. Edición: 5th ed. Autor: Sedra, Adel S.. Editorial: New York ; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
- Observaciones: Suitable for theoretical lessons and problems resolution
Circuitos microelectrónicos: análisis y diseño. Edición: -. Autor: Rashid, Muhammad H.. Editorial: Madrid [etc.]: International Thomson, cop. 2002.
- Observaciones: Suitable for theoretical lessons and problems resolutions
Diseño electrónico: circuitos y sistemas. Edición: 2ª ed. Autor: Savant, C. J. , jr.. Editorial: Argentina [etc.]: Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana, cop. 1992.
- Observaciones: Suitable for theoretical lessons
Instrumentación electrónica. Edición: 3ª ed.. Autor: -. Editorial: Madrid : Thomson, 2011.
- Observaciones: Suitable for theoretical lessons
Problemas resueltos de instrumentación y medias electrónicas . Edición: -. Autor: -. Editorial: Madrid: Paraninfo, 1994.
- Observaciones: Solved instrumentation problems
Principios de electrónica. Edición: 7ª ed.. Autor: Malvino, Albert Paul. Editorial: Madrid [etc.]: McGraw-Hill, D.L. 2010.
- Observaciones: Suitable for theoretical Lessons
Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits. Edición: 4th ed.. Autor: -. Editorial: New York [etc.] : John Wiley and Sons, cop. 2001.
- Observaciones: Suitable for theoretical Lessons
Sensores y acondicionadores de señal : problemas resueltos. Edición: -. Autor: Pallás Areny, Ramón. Editorial: Barcelona : Marcombo, 2008.
- Observaciones: Suitable for theoretical Lessons
Chapter 1. Introduction (1st week)
Chapter 2. Bipolar Junction Transistor (from 1st
to 3rd week)
Chapter 3. Mosfet Transistor (from 3rd to 4th
Chapter 4. Real Operational Amplifier (from 5th
to 6th week)
Chapter 5. Introduction to measurement systems
(from 7th to 9th week)
Chapter 6. Sensors and Basic Conditioning Systems Using
Operational Amplifiers (from 10th to 13th week)
Chapter 7. Electronic drivers and
(from 14th to16th week)
Practical seminar. First laboratory contact: Light Detector (2nd week)
Practical session 1: Twilight switch with timer (from 3rd to 4th week)
Practical session 2: Operational
amplifier application
(7th week)
Practical seminar: Introduction
to Labview
(8th week)
Practical session 3: LabVIEW.
Flow program control structures : Calculator
(9th week)
Practical session 4: LabVIEW.
Temperature acquisition and control by myDAQ.
(11th week)
Practical session 5: Third
parties hardware. Controlling the Arduino UNO by LabVIEW.
(12th week)
Practical session 6: Uncertainty study with multimiter RIGOL DM3058E (14th week)
Practical session 7: AC switching device based on a TRIAC for Arduino UNO. (from 15th to 16th week)
Educación de calidad |
Industria, innovación e infraestructura |
Producción y consumo responsables |
Acción por el clima |
Goal 4. Quality education
Throughout all the activities of the subject, fundamental
aspects in relation to inclusion and
equity will be addressed, which will also be part of the
evaluation of the participation aspects.
Thus, it will be promoted, both in large group expository
classes, as well as in small groups,
to use inclusive language both at the written and oral level
and to attend to activities of
various kinds focused on being equitable with the different
learning capacities of the student.
.Furthermore, on the one hand, in large group classes the
ability to collect and interpret data
and handle complex concepts in the field of
[telecommunications] will be developed and
enhanced, to make judgments that involve reflection on
ethical and social issues. On the
other hand, in small group classes special emphasis will be
placed on the need for
continuous training and undertaking this activity
independently throughout one's professional
life, as well as the ability to stay up to date with new
developments. in the field of
[telecommunications], taking a more technical approach.
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote
industrialization and foster innovation
Through the activities of this subject in large and small
group classes, special emphasis is
placed on the fact that [telecommunication] systems and
services must be developed,
implemented and maintained in a way that achieves resilient
and robust industrialization, as
well as as sustainable.
Furthermore, both with the training of content, abilities,
skills and abilities, and with the
development of the activities proposed to the students,
personal initiative and the ability to
solve problems autonomously are promoted in order to
encourage innovation as a driving
force for industrial development, especially in the field of
[telecommunications], as well as a
wealth-generating element of a society.
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production
In this subject, through the activities designed for large
and small group classes, we will seek
to raise awareness among students about the reasonable use of
resources, given that
[telecommunication services/industrial activity] are
generally very demanding in energy and
raw materials, and likewise in the search for greater
durability of products and services,
pursuing a longer-term use of the resources used. Therefore,
emphasis will be placed on
achieving robust, efficient, long-lasting services and/or
products with the lowest possible
environmental impact, always taking into account the
techniques that facilitate this, such as
the correct specification of needs, designs that use new,
clean and advanced technologies,
carrying out tests and using, as far as possible, renewable
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and
its impacts
Given that climate change poses a certain threat to human
activities and by extension to all
life on Earth, in the development of the activities of this
subject, it will be taken into account
that [telecommunication services/industrial activity], which
are in continuous development
and expansion, their impact on the environment must always be
observed, given that they
not only demand energy, but also use, in many cases, raw
materials whose extraction
involves the deterioration of the ecosystems. Therefore,
emphasis will be placed on the
services and/or products that are developed having the least
possible impact on the
environment, through the application, for example, of
renewable sources, recycling of
materials, and more robust, efficient and durable designs. In
this way, it would be possible to
reduce the current rate of environmental deterioration.
Due to the short number of students usually enrolled in the master the lessons for all the students will take place in the indicated classroom. So, any access restriction restriction will be applied.
Teaching Activities
and Methodologies
Format |
Methodologies |
Theoretical lectures for all the students which will last 1 hour |
Online and synchronous |
Online Masterclass
Practical sessions for
all the students in laboratory which will last 2 hours
Online and synchronous |
Online practical sessions which will include seminars and simulations tools for electronic circuits |
Tutorial lectures |
Online |
By any available online platform |
Kind of test |
Tool |
Description |
Weigth |
S1. Active participation in lectures and tutorials. - Active participation in lab work. -Attendance to individual tutorial and activities. |
Observation and problems resolution |
-Active participation in lectures and tutorials. - Active participation in lab oratory work. -Attendance to individual tutorial and activities. |
10 % |
S2. Practical and theoretical assimilation of subject concepts. |
Practical and theoretical assimilation of subject concepts. |
Online written exam according to the official schedule |
50 % |
S4. Design and implementation of electronic circuits |
Designing and simulation of the proposed practical examples |
-Documentation delivered. The revision for each document includes: -Structure - Quality - Novelty - Clarity of presentation |
4 0 % |
The mark for S4 in the extra exam session will be assessed by a practical exam if any . Nevertheless, a mark up to 3.5 in S2 will be necessary to proceed to the computation of the overall mark (computing as the average of the available ones ). The weigths will be modified due to the fact that S1 mark is not applicable in the extra exam session, so only S2 (60%) and S4 (40%) will be computed. The student will pass the course in case they get a overall mark in exceed of 5. |
Single Exam* |
Test |
Tool |
Description |
Weight |
S2. Practical and theoretical assimilation of subject concepts. |
Practical and theoretical assimilation of subject concepts. |
Online written exam |
50% |
S4. Design and implementation of electronic circuits |
Designing and simulation of the proposed practical examples |
-Documentation delivered. The revision for each document includes: -Structure - Quality - Novelty - Clarity of presentation |
50% |
At the very least a mark of 3.5 in S2 and S4 will be needed to compute the overall mark. The student will pass the course in case they get a overall mark in exceed of 5. |
* According to the article 13 th of the Official Academic Guideline for the assessment of the Students at the University of Jaen whoever student has the right to ask for this exam as long as they justify the reason why the can not take part in regular teaching activities. They must let the professor know about it a week in advance the beginning of the exam period.
The communication means will be profoundly modified under this scenario. Thus, the following resources will be used:
Video call on Google Meet o whatever similar platform .
Virtual blackboard by Google Jamboard o r similar.
Resources available on ILIAS platform .
Responsable del tratamiento: Universidad de Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n, 23071 Jaén
Delegado de Protección de Datos:dpo@ujaen.es
Finalidad: Conforme a la Ley de Universidades y demás legislación estatal y autonómica vigente, realizar los exámenes correspondientes a las asignaturas en las que el alumno o alumna se encuentre matriculado. Con el fin de evitar fraudes en la realización del mismo, el examen se realizará en la modalidad de video llamada, pudiendo el personal de la Universidad de Jaén contrastar la imagen de la persona que está realizando la prueba de evaluación con los archivos fotográficos del alumno en el momento de la matrícula. Igualmente, con la finalidad de dotar a la prueba de evaluación de contenido probatorio de cara a revisiones o impugnaciones de la misma, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente, la prueba de evaluación será grabada.
Legitimación: cumplimiento de obligaciones legales (Ley de Universidades) y demás normativa estatal y autonómica vigente.
Destinatarios: prestadores de servicios titulares de las plataformas en las que se realicen las pruebas con los que la Universidad de Jaén tiene suscritos los correspondientes contratos de acceso a datos.
Plazos de conservación: los establecidos en la normativa aplicable. En el supuesto en concreto de las grabaciones de los exámenes, mientras no estén cerradas las actas definitivas y la prueba de evaluación pueda ser revisada o impugnada.
Derechos: puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación, oposición, supresión, limitación y portabilidad remitiendo un escrito a la dirección postal o electrónica indicada anteriormente. En el supuesto que considere que sus derechos han sido vulnerados, puede presentar una reclamación ante el Consejo de Transparencia y Protección de Datos de Andalucía www.ctpdandalucia.es
Responsable del tratamiento: Universidad de Jaén, Paraje Las Lagunillas, s/n; Tel.953 212121; www.ujaen.es
Delegado de Protección de Datos (DPO): TELEFÓNICA, S.A.U. ; Email: dpo@ujaen.es
Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestionar la adecuada grabación de las sesiones docentes con el objetivo de hacer posible la enseñanza en un escenario de docencia multimodal y/o no presencial.
Plazo de conservación: Las imágenes serán conservadas durante los plazos legalmente previstos en la normativa vigente.
Legitimación: Los datos son tratados en base al cumplimiento de obligaciones legales (Ley Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Universidades) y el consentimiento otorgado mediante la marcación de la casilla habilitada a tal efecto.
Destinatarios de los datos (cesiones o transferencias): Toda aquella persona que vaya a acceder a las diferentes modalidades de enseñanza.
Derechos: Ud. podrá ejercitar los derechos de Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación, Portabilidad, Limitación del tratamiento, Supresión o, en su caso, Oposición. Para ejercitar los derechos deberá presentar un escrito en la dirección arriba señalada dirigido al Servicio de Información, Registro y Administración Electrónica de la Universidad de Jaén, o bien, mediante correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico. Deberá especificar cuál de estos derechos solicita sea satisfecho y, a su vez, deberá acompañarse de la fotocopia del DNI o documento identificativo equivalente. En caso de que actuara mediante representante, legal o voluntario, deberá aportar también documento que acredite la representación y documento identificativo del mismo. Asimismo, en caso de considerar vulnerado su derecho a la protección de datos personales, podrá interponer una reclamación ante el Consejo de Transparencia y Protección de Datos de Andalucía www.ctpdandalucia.es