Universidad de Jaén

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Guía docente 2024-25 - 74212004 - Procesado de señal para comunicaciones

TITULACIÓN: Máster Univ. en Ingeniería de telecomunicación
CURSO: 2024-25
ASIGNATURA: Procesado de señal para comunicaciones
NOMBRE: Procesado de señal para comunicaciones
CÓDIGO: 74212004 CURSO ACADÉMICO: 2024-25
TIPO: Obligatoria
WEB: https://platea.ujaen.es
IMPARTE: Teoría - Prácticas [Profesor responsable]
N. DESPACHO: D - 124 E-MAIL: fcanadas@ujaen.es TLF: 953648510
TUTORÍAS: https://uvirtual.ujaen.es/pub/es/informacionacademica/tutorias/p/28518
URL WEB: http://www10.ujaen.es/conocenos/departamentos/ingtel/4647
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3873-6078

There are no prerequisites for that subjet.


This subject is integrated in the Telecommunication Technologies module in the field of Signal and Communications Theory. It is located in the second semester period of the first year of the Master's degree as part of the compulsory subjects. The course aims to transfer to the students knowledge about different advanced digital communications techniques currently in use.

The course begins with a general introduction to digital communications systems detailing in channel equalization. Then, the fundamentals of the main advanced communications techniques currently in use are presented: spread spectrum and multicarrier based communications. In addition, the fundamentals of channel coding used in these types of systems are explained. Finally, different communications standards, such as WiMax, are explained.


Knowledge of Linear systems, Communication theory and Statistics is highly recommended.

El alumnado que presente necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo, lo ha de notificar personalmente al Servicio de Atención y Ayudas al Estudiante para proceder a realizar, en su caso, la adaptación curricular correspondiente.
código Denominación de la competencia
CB10 Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.
CB6 Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación
CB7 Que los estuduiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio
CB8 Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de conocimientos y juicios
CB9 Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las sustentan a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades
CE1 Capacidad para aplicar métodos de la teoría de la información, la modulación adaptativa y codificación de canal, así como técnicas avanzadas de procesado digital de señal a los sistemas de comunicaciones y audiovisuales.
CG10 Ser capaces de asumir la responsabilidad de su propio desarrollo profesional y de su especialización en uno o más campos de estudio
CG4 Haber adquirido conocimientos avanzados y demostrado, en un contexto de investigación científica y tecnológica o altamente especializado, una comprensión detallada y fundamentada de los aspectos teóricos y prácticos y de la metodología de trabajo en uno o más campos de estudio.
CG5 Saber aplicar e integrar sus conocimientos, la comprensión de estos, su fundamentación científica y sus capacidades de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos y definidos de forma imprecisa, incluyendo contextos de carácter multidisciplinar tanto investigadores como profesionales altamente especializados;
CG6 Saber evaluar y seleccionar la teoría científica adecuada y la metodología precisa de sus campos de estudio para formular juicios a partir de información incompleta o limitada incluyendo, cuando sea preciso y pertinente, una reflexión sobre la responsabilidad social o ética ligada a la solución que se proponga en cada caso.
CG7 Ser capaces de predecir y controlar la evolución de situaciones complejas mediante el desarrollo de nuevas e innovadoras metodologías de trabajo adaptadas al ámbito científico/investigador, tecnológico o profesional concreto, en general multidisciplinar, en el que se desarrolle su actividad
CG8 Saber transmitir de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades a un público especializado o no, resultados procedentes de la investigación científica y tecnológica o del ámbito de la innovación más avanzada, así como los fundamentos más relevantes sobre los que se sustentan.
CG9 Haber desarrollado la autonomía suficiente para participar en proyectos de investigación y colaboraciones científicas o tecnológicas dentro su ámbito temático, en contextos interdisciplinares y, en su caso, con una alta componente de transferencia del conocimiento.
CT1 Capacidad de análisis de problemas, síntesis de soluciones y comunicación oral y escrita de los resultados a distintos públicos.
CT2 Capacidad de organización, planificación y de gestión de la información.
CT3 Capacidad para las relaciones interpersonales y el trabajo en equipos de carácter interdisciplinar
CT4 Formación para llevar a cabo un aprendizaje autónomo, que se adapte a nuevas situaciones aplicando en la práctica los conocimientos teóricos.
CT5 Capacidad de buscar y encontrar información de distintas fuentes y para entender el lenguaje y propuestas de otros especialistas
CT6 Ser capaz de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que,siendo limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios.
CT7 Sensibilidad hacia temas medioambientales y hacia la búsqueda de un modelo de desarrollo más sostenible.
Resultados de aprendizaje
Resultado Resul-13 Introducción, descripción, elementos, métodos y aplicaciones de técnicas de espectro ensanchado (SS). Sincronización. Aplicaciones: CDMA y canales multipath.
Resultado Resul-14 Introducción a sistemas mono/multiportadora. Introducción, descripción, elementos, métodos y aplicaciones de multiplexación por división en frecuencia ortogonal (OFDM) aplicado a comunicaciones y sistemas audio-video: LAN inalámbricas (802.11a, 802.11g), WiMAX, DAB y DVB.
Resultado Resul-15 Introducción, descripción, elementos y métodos relacionados con la codificación de canal.

Signal Processing for Communications is a subject that allows the student to acquire knowledge about advanced digital communications used in most of today's digital communications systems.

Indicate that this subject will be focused on promoting quality teaching (Quality Education) with a focus on activities that promote inclusive and equitable learning (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG-4).

Next, the Units of the subject are detailed in the following sections:

Lectures with large group of students 

Unit 0. Presentation of the subject

Unit 1. Introduction to digital communication systems.

 1.1. Digital communication systems

1.2. Channel equalization

1.3. Review about digital modulations not using the concept of memory

1.4. Review about digital modulations using the concept of memory

Unit 2. Spread spectrum communications

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Spread spectrum communications

2.3. Synchronization

2.4. RAKE receiver 

2.5. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

2.6. Spread spectrum applications

Unit 3. Multicarrier communications

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Multicarrier systems

3.3. Characteristics of propagation in mobile radio channels

3.4. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

3.5. Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (COFDM)

3.6. Multicarrier communication standards

 4. Channel coding

4.1 Introduction

4.2. Convolutional coding

4.3. Reed-Solomon coding  

Lectures with small groups


- Practice 1. Channel Equalization. The objective of this practice is analyzing the advantages of adaptive filtering  simulating channel equalization.

- Practice 2. Communications based on Spread Spectrum. The aim of this practice is to implement a multi-user CDMA transmission system in order to evaluate the performance of the digital communication based on direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS).

- Practice 3. Communications based on Multicarrier transmission. The objective of this practice is to analyze the orthogonality effects using a multicarrier modulation technique based on OFDM.


-  Seminar about the use and programming with MATLAB. The objective of this seminar is to review those MATLAB concepts learned in the degree of Engineering in order to acquire the agility to implement the practices of the subject. 


- Exercises Unit 1 and 2

- Exercises Unit 3

- Exercises Unit 4

A1 - Clases expositivas en gran grupo
  • M1 - Clases expositivas en gran grupo: Clases magistrales
  • M3 - Clases expositivas en gran grupo: Actividades introductorias
  • M5 - Clases expositivas en gran grupo: Otros
19.76 29.74 49.5 1.98
  • CB10
  • CB6
  • CB7
  • CB8
  • CB9
  • CE1
  • CG10
  • CG4
  • CG5
  • CG6
  • CG7
  • CG8
  • CG9
  • CT1
  • CT2
  • CT3
  • CT4
  • CT5
  • CT6
  • CT7
A2 - Clases en grupos de prácticas
  • M11 - Clases en grupos de prácticas: Resolución de ejercicios
  • M13 - Clases en grupos de prácticas: Otros
  • M6 - Clases en grupos de prácticas: Actividades prácticas
  • M7 - Clases en grupos de prácticas: Seminarios
  • M9 - Clases en grupos de prácticas: Laboratorios
19.76 29.74 49.5 1.98
  • CB10
  • CB6
  • CB7
  • CB8
  • CB9
  • CE1
  • CG10
  • CG4
  • CG5
  • CG6
  • CG7
  • CG8
  • CG9
  • CT1
  • CT2
  • CT3
  • CT4
  • CT5
  • CT6
  • CT7
A3 - Tutorias Colectivas 1.2 0.05 1.25 0.05
  • CB10
  • CB6
  • CB7
  • CB8
  • CB9
  • CE1
  • CG10
  • CG4
  • CG5
  • CG6
  • CG7
  • CG8
  • CG9
  • CT1
  • CT2
  • CT3
  • CT4
  • CT5
  • CT6
  • CT7
TOTALES: 40.72 59.53 100.25 4.01  

The development of large group and small group lectures will be focused on promoting quality teaching by giving priority to activities that foster inclusive and equitable learning (Quality education, SDG-4). This subject also contributes to the sustainable development objectives (SDG-9) industry, innovation and infraestructure. 

A1. Lectures with large group of students

They are based on the explanation of the theory concepts, exercises and practical problems of the course.

In this activity, the following competences will be evaluated: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CE1, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG9, CG10, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6 and CT7. Obtaining a positive evaluation indicates that the student has reached the following learning results of the module: 13, 14, 15.

A2. Lectures with small groups

They are based on the explanation of the practical units in the lab including the execution by the students and resolution of problems in class.

In this activity, the following competences will be evaluated: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CE1, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG9, CG10, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6 and CT7. Obtaining a positive evaluation indicates that the student has reached the following learning results of the module: 13, 14, 15.

The use of electronic devices both in classes and exams is forbidden except that they are required for the right develoment of learning activities and always with the authorization of the lecturer.

Only those students who are entitled to online access according to the current regulations will be allowed. 


Asistencia y/o participación en actividades presenciales y/o virtuales - Active participation in laboratory. - Participation in tutorial sessions. - Lecturer notes and observation. - Use of the web resources 10.0%
Conceptos teóricos de la materia -Knowledge of the theoretical concepts. - Theoretical exam (objective exam with short answers, large answers or test format). - Evaluation exams. - Questions proposed in class. 30.0%
Realización de trabajos, casos o ejercicios - Knowledge of the operating tools. For each work, it will be evaluated: structure, way of resolution, originality, spelling and presentation - Solving exercises proposed in class. - Evaluation of works. - Evaluation exams. 30.0%
Prácticas de laboratorio/campo/uso de herramientas TIC - Design and development of solutions for practical issues. It will be evaluated: structure, way of resolution, originality, spelling and presentation. - Written or oral exam. - Documentation of practising. - Evaluation exams. 30.0%
El sistema de calificación se regirá por lo establecido en el RD 1125/2003 de 5 de septiembre por el que se establece el sistema europeo de créditos y el sistema de calificaciones en la titulaciones universitarias de carácter oficial

At the end of the term the students can choose between two assessment modalities:  CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT or FINAL EXAM. In both assessment modalities, the use of electronic devices in classes and exams is forbidden except that they are required for the right develoment of learning activities and always with the authorization of the lecturer. 

Continuous Assessment

The Continuous Assessment modality will be carried out according to the outcomes of the activities planned in the syllabus and described in the section "Methodology and activities", in addition to those described in the section "Detailed description of the Continuous Assessment" that will be weighted by considering the aspects and percentages detailed in the above table. 


Teaching period

Final exam

Total by aspect

S1 Attendance and participation

10 %

  0 %

 10 %

S2 Theoretical concepts

15 %

15 % 

 30 %

S3 Exercises, problems and study cases

15 % 

15 % 

 30 %

S4 Laboratory or computer practical work

30 % 

  0 % 

 30 %

Total for the subject

70 %

30 % 

100 %

During the teaching period, it will be evaluated aspects S2 and S3 in a single exam including Unit 1 and Unit 2, while during the examination period it will be evaluated Unit 3 and Unit 4. The evaluation of Unit 3 and Unit 4, according to Continuous Assessment, will take place in the same date of the official exam of the subject established by the Centre.

Continuous Assessment evaluation will be only available during Ordinary call. Consequently, during Extraordinary call only Final Exam evaluation will be possible.

The S4 aspect will be assessed after the completion of each practical of the course according to the lecturer's decision. The date of such assessments will be set by the lecturer. The evaluation of each practice may be oral, handwritten or by means of computer.

To pass the subject, the student has to get a mark higher or equal than 5.0 out of 10 in the overall result of the evaluated aspects, as  long as the student has obtained a mark higher or equal than 4.0 out of 10 in each one of those assessed aspects (S2 and S3) and S4. In the case that S4 mark (obtained in the Continuous Assessment) or (S2 and S3) mark of the official exam is lower than 4.0 out of 10, the mark that will appear in the record of the subject will be the  minimum mark of the two previous ones, so  the student must follow the Final Exam modality.

Using this approach, the following competences will be evaluated: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CE1, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG9, CG10, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6 and CT7. Obtaining a positive evaluation indicates that the student has reached the following learning results of the module: 13, 14, 15.

Final Exam

In the FINAL EXAM modality, an exam will be held on the day set for the course within the exam period, which will cover all the course contents, ensuring that students have acquired the competences and learning outcomes established for the course. The two parts of this written exam are weighed as follows:

- Part 1: Attendance and participation, theoretical concepts and completion of study cases or exercises assignments (S1, S2, and S3): 70%.

- Part 2: Laboratory/computer practical work (S4): 30%.

The specific conditions, as well as the material and/or documentation that may be used in the Final Exam will be established by the lecturer.

In order to pass the subject, the student must have marks higher or equal to 5.0 out of 10 in each of the two parts.

Students who have passed the S4 aspect (laboratory/computer practical work) of the course, through CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT, with a grade equal to or higher than 5.0 out of 10, will not have to take Part 2 corresponding to this aspect in the exam. The same grade obtained in the CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT will be assigned to this part.

Those aspects successfully completed with a mark higher or equal to 5.0 will be considered passing during the academic year.

When S4 mark of the official exam or (S2 and S3) mark of the official exam is lower than 4.0 out of 10, the mark that will appear in the record of the subject will be the minimum mark of the two previous ones.

Using this approach, the following competences will be evaluated: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CE1, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG9, CG10, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6 and CT7. Obtaining a positive evaluation indicates that the student has reached the following learning results of the module: 13, 14, 15.


For those students whose assessment is carried out using continuous evaluation, it will be based on the monitoring and implementation of the activities in the four categories detailed in the table below, that make up the total of the evaluable elements of the subject:  

S1: Attendance, 10%.  

S2: Theoretical concepts of subject, 30%.  

S3: Exercises, problems and study cases, 30%.  

S4: Lab/Computer Practices, 30%.

Each of these blocks will be detailed as follows. In each block, the following competences will be evaluated: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10, CE1, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG7, CG8, CG9, CG10, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6 and CT7. Obtaining a positive evaluation indicates that the student has reached the following learning results of the module: 13, 14, 15.

S1. Attendance (10%)  
This aspect will be assessed in terms of attendance at large group and small group classes. Failure to collaborate in maintaining a good working environment in the classroom and obstructing the work of the lecturer in any session will result in an attendance mark equals 0.  
If there are activities organized by the Telecommunication Engineering department and the attendance has been recommended by the lecturer responsible for the subject, then 75% of the S1 mark will be due to the attendance in class and the remaining 25% will be due to the attendance at all the above activities organized by the Telecommunication Engineering Department and have been recommended by the lecturer responsible of the subject. If there is more than one organized activity, then each activity will have an equal weight within 25% of the S1 mark.

S2. Theoretical concepts S2 (30%)  
The evaluation of the theoretical concepts will be carried out by means of evaluation tests or exercises proposed in class by the lecturer. Each test will be evaluated separately and the student will be able to obtain a mark between 0 and 10 points. The weight of each test in the final evaluation is equal. Thus, a single test will be performed considering together Unit 1 and Unit 2 with a weight of 100%. The mark to be obtained will be between 0 and 10, extrapolating correspondingly to the range between 0% and 30%. This value coincides with the total value of the assessment of this section. 

S3. Exercises, problems and study cases S3 (30%)  
The evaluation of exercises will be carried out through evaluation tests or exercises proposed in class by the lecturer. Each test will be evaluated separately and the student will be able to obtain a mark between 0 and 10 points. The weight of each test in the final evaluation is equal. Thus, a single test will be performed considering together Unit 1 and Unit 2 with a weight of 100%. The mark obtained will be between 0 and 10 points, extrapolating correspondingly to the range between 0% and 30%. This value coincides with the total value of the assessment of this section. 

S4. Laboratory or computer practice work S4 (30%)  
The evaluation of the practical concepts will be carried out by means of evaluation tests or exercises proposed in class by the lecturer. Each test will be evaluated separately and the student will be able to obtain a mark between 0 and 10 points. The weight of each test in the final assesment is equal. Thus, two tests will be carried out: i) First test: MATLAB seminar and Practice 1; ii) Second test: Practice 2 and Practice 3; with weights of 50%. The mark to be obtained will be between 0 and 10 points, extrapolating correspondingly to the range between 0% and 30%.


  • Teoría de la comunicación. Edición: -. Autor: N. Ruiz-Reyes, P. Vera-Candeas, J. Curpián-Alonso, D. Martínez-Muñoz. Editorial: Linares (Jaén): Entre Libros, D.L. 2003.
    • Observaciones: Text in Spanish. Unit 1
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Transmisión digital. Edición: -. Autor: D. Martínez-Muñoz, P. Reche-López, N. Ruiz-Reyes, P. Vera-Candeas. Editorial: Jaén: Universidad de Jaén, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2009.
    • Observaciones: Text in Spanish. Unit 1
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Digital communications fundamentals and applications . Edición: 2nd ed, Pearson New International ed. Autor: Sklar, Bernard. Editorial: Pearson.
    • Observaciones: Unit 4
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Digital communications . Edición: 2nd ed. Autor: Proakis, John G.. Editorial: McGraw-Hill.
    • Observaciones: Unit 1,2,4
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Communication systems . Edición: 3rd ed. Autor: Haykin, Simon. Editorial: John Wiley and sons.
    • Observaciones: Unit 1,2,4
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Digital modulation techniques. Edición: -. Autor: Xiong, Fuquin. Editorial: Artech House.
    • Observaciones: Unit 1
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Multi-carrier and spread spectrum systems : from OFDM and MC-CDMA to LTE and WiMAX . Edición: 2nd ed. Autor: Fazel, Khaled. Editorial: Wiley.
    • Observaciones: Unit 3
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Discrete-time signal processing . Edición: 3rd ed.. Autor: Oppenheim, Alan V.. Editorial: Pearson.
    • Observaciones: Unit 3
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • OFDM and MC-CDMA for broadband multi-user communications, WLANs and broadcasting. Edición: -. Autor: Hanzó, Lajos, coaut. Editorial: John Wiley & Sons.
    • Observaciones: Unit 3
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Comunicaciones digitales . Edición: -. Autor: Antonio Artés Rodríguez. Editorial: Madrid [etc.] : Pearson Educación, 2007..
    • Observaciones: Text in Spanish. Unit 1,4
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Digital communication . Edición: 2nd ed., 3th imp. Autor: Lee, Edward A.. Editorial: Kluwer Academic.
    • Observaciones: Unit 1,4
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Modern digital and analog communication systems . Edición: 4th ed. Autor: Lathi, B. P.. Editorial: Oxford University Press.
    • Observaciones: Unit 1,4
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • Multi-carrier digital communications: theory and applications of OFDM. Edición: 2nd ed. Autor: Bahai, Ahmad R. S.. Editorial: Springer.
    • Observaciones: Unit 3
     (C. Biblioteca)
  • MIMO-OFDM wireless communications with MATLAB . Edición: -. Autor: Cho, Yong Soo, coaut. Editorial: Wiley.
    • Observaciones: Unit 3
     (C. Biblioteca)


Large group






U0 - U1






U1 - U1






U1 - U1






U1- U1






U2 - U2






U2 - U2






U2 - U2






U2 - U2


Ex. U1-U2




U3 - U3






U3 -  EC_U12






 U3 - U3






U3 - U3






U4 - U4


Ex. U3 




U4 - U4






U4 -     


Ex. U4



Hours (40h)








Educación de calidad
Industria, innovación e infraestructura

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of Quality Education with the subject of Signal Processing for Communications:

Quality Education is a fundamental right and essential for the development of individuals and societies. In the context of Signal Processing for Communications, leveraging modern technologies and innovative educational approaches can significantly improve educational outcomes. This proposal outlines strategies to integrate advancements in signal processing for communications to enhance quality education.

Expected actions:

· Increased enrollment and retention rates in schools due to improved access and quality of education.
· Enhanced learning outcomes through interactive, personalized, and inclusive educational experiences.
· Empowered teachers with access to continuous professional development and collaborative resources.
· Sustainable and scalable educational models leveraging communication technologies.

Integrating advancements in signal processing for communications into the educational framework can significantly contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of Quality Education. By improving accessibility, content delivery, inclusiveness, and teacher training, we can create a more equitable and effective educational environment for all learners.

This proposal not only addresses the immediate needs of quality education but also sets a foundation for continuous improvement and innovation in the education sector through the application of advanced communication technologies.

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure with the subject of Signal Processing for Communications: 

The Sustainable Development Goal of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation. Signal Processing for Communications plays a pivotal role in achieving these objectives by enabling advanced industrial processes, supporting innovation, and developing robust infrastructure. This proposal outlines strategies to leverage signal processing for communications to enhance industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

Expected Actions:

- Improved industrial efficiency and productivity through advanced communication technologies.
-  Innovation and research capabilities, leading to the development of new products and processes.
- Sustainable and resilient infrastructure capable of supporting modern industrial needs.
- Inclusive growth of industries, with equitable access to communication technologies for all enterprises.

Leveraging advancements in signal processing for communications is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. By enhancing industrial automation, fostering innovation, developing sustainable infrastructure, and promoting inclusive growth, we can create a robust industrial ecosystem that drives economic development and societal progress.

This proposal outlines a comprehensive approach to integrate communication technologies into industrial practices, ensuring that industries are prepared for the challenges of the future while contributing to sustainable and inclusive development.


Teaching methodology and learning activities 

Learning activities


Teaching methodology Description

A1. Lectures with large group of students

100% in person class

Participatory master class sessions, lasting 45 minutes each, held in the classroom.

A2. Lectures with small groups

100% in person class

Development of practical sessions, lasting 90 minutes each, in laboratory or classroom.  


The schedule can vary mainly due to the change from multi-modal scenario to the online one.

Evaluation system (Ordinary and Extraordinary call)

There are no changes in the evaluation format (weights of each section) or in what is specified in the detailed evaluation.

Since the evaluation of the subject is continuous, there will only be an exam in the event that the student opts for the Single Test Evaluation, which is summarized in the following tables:





Continuous evaluation. Exam units 3  and 4.




The evaluation of the units 3  and 4, according to continuous evaluation, will  be the same day of the official exam of the subject established by the University.

This exam will take place  during the Examination  period on a date established by the University.

30% (15% S2 ad 15% S3)

Final exam evaluation

 In-person This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects S2, S3 and S4 related to all the Units, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the subject.

This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the University.

S1,S2,S3: 70%

S4: 30% 


Given that the attendance in the large group lectures and in the classes in practice groups is 100%, no exceptional resources are foreseen for them.

In the multimodal and / or non-face-to-face scenario, when appropriate, the teaching staff involved in teaching, reserves the right not to give consent for the capture, publication, retransmission or reproduction of their speech, image, voice and explanations, in the exercise of his teaching functions, in the field of the University of Jaén.




Teaching methodology and learning activities 

Learning activities


Teaching methodology Description

A1. Lectures with large group of students

- Synchronous classes by videoconference.

- Asynchronous classes based on videos and / or audiovisual content, forums, interactive material, etc


The sessions of participative face-to-face classes, of 45 minutes each, are replaced by other activities carried out through the Internet such as:

 - Classes by videoconference or in virtual classroom

- Visualization of videos with explanation of the theoretical contents.

- Review of interactive material on the subject.

- Review of content on the Internet (forums, specialized websites)

A2. Lectures with small groups


Practical sessions are replaced by online training activities, of 90 minutes each, by other activities carried out through the Internet such as:

- Virtualized or simulation activities.

- Solving exercises

- Visualization of videos with explanation of the practical contents.

- Review of interactive material about practices or seminars.

- Online content review (forums, specialized websites, etc.)


The schedule can vary mainly due to the change from multimodal scenario to the online one.

Evaluation system (Ordinary and Extraordinary call)

There are no changes in the evaluation format with respect to the 100% in person class mode. However, the tests of continuous evaluation of the aspects S2, S3 and S4 of the 100% in-person and Multimodal modalities that take place during the teaching period become a synchronous online exams in the online modality.





Official exam (continuous evaluation. Exam units 3 and 4).


Synchronous online


This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects S2 and S3 related to the Unit 3 and Unit 4, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the subject.

This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the University.

30% (15% S2 ad 15% S3)

Official exam (final exam evaluation)

Synchronous online

This kind of evaluation is based in only one written exam that evaluates all the aspects S2, S3 and S4 related to all the Units, by assessing the students' acquisition of all the competences and learning outcomes established in the subject.

This exam will take place during the Examination period on a date established by the University.

S1,S2,S3: 70%

S4: 30% 

The synchronous online exam, both theory-problem (S2-S3) and practice (S4), will be organized in a written assessment by video  conference. The synchronous online exam will be carried out by means of the following actions, arranged here in temporal order:

- It will be organized at the same day and time for all students.

- At the latest one week before the date of the exam, and following the instructions of the responsible person for the subject, the students must inform the teacher of their intention to take the synchronous online exam. If a student does not communicate his/her intention to take the exam, then his/her personal interview by videconference will be in the following days of the date of the exam.

- Before the day of the exam, the responsible of the subject will communicate to each student the exact time of the validation interview of the exam, and the link to access the videoconference for both the part related to the problem-theory exam (S2-S3) and the practice exam (S4). Those  students that do not confirm their assistance may be cited to the validation interview in the next days of the official date.

- In the day and time of the schedule established for the official exam of the subject, the first part of the videoconference exam will be started. At that time, the  responsible of the subject will distribute by electronic means the statement of the exam to each student. The exam sent to each student may be different in content (questions or input data) but of similar requirement. The objective is, in cases where it is possible, to randomly distribute exams among the students. This videoconference will be recorded to check the identity of each student. Unless approved by the responsible of the subject, each student will maintain the camera and microphone active during the videoconference. If the student is absent from the videoconference, this may be a reason for expulsion, which will not happen due to mere technical problems.

- Each student will send the photographs, in .zip of pdf format, of the solutions he/she has made in relation to the exam received. The student is solely responsible for ensuring the quality of the photos of solutions. If a photograph with the solutions does not have enough quality to know perfectly what the student has answered in his/her answer, this question will not be corrected in the assessment.

- The second part of the exam will consist of a videoconference interview with each student to validate the contents delivered, at the time indicated, with a maximum of 10 minutes. The purpose of these interviews is to corroborate the authorship of the answers given in the first part by means of complementary questions on the assessment test. If a student does not correctly answer a question in the second  part, then the question in the first part with which it is linked will be invalidated. In this manner, the exam grade will correspond to the result of correcting the non-invalidated questions of the written exam. This videoconference will be recorded to ensure the quality of the assessment.

- If due to technical problems of any student his/her videoconference cannot be carried out normally, an examination of incidents will be considered in the synchronous online mode.


Since all the teaching, either in the exposition classes in large groups or in the classes in practice groups, be taught online, the following resources will need to be used:

Common telematic means (teachers and students):

- PC or similar equipment and Internet connection with sufficient bandwidth to correctly receive both the audio as well as video broadcast. 

- Videoconference system or virtual classroom, such as Google Meet or BigBlueButton.

- Use of interactive tools: screen sharing to use comments as a whiteboard virtual in PDF presentations. 

- Use of the teaching platform of the University of Jaén: messaging, forums, tasks, activities and media of evaluation. 

- Remote access to the equipment in the assigned laboratory to be able to use the practice software in case required.

In the multimodal and / or non-face-to-face scenario, when appropriate, the teaching staff involved in teaching, reserves the right not to give consent for the capture, publication, retransmission or reproduction of their speech, image, voice and explanations of chair, in the exercise of his teaching functions, in the field of the University of Jaén.





Responsable del tratamiento: Universidad de Jaén, Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n, 23071 Jaén

Delegado de Protección de Datos:dpo@ujaen.es

Finalidad: Conforme a la Ley de Universidades y demás legislación estatal y autonómica vigente, realizar los exámenes correspondientes a las asignaturas en las que el alumno o alumna se encuentre matriculado. Con el fin de evitar fraudes en la realización del mismo, el examen se realizará en la modalidad de video llamada, pudiendo el personal de la Universidad de Jaén contrastar la imagen de la persona que está realizando la prueba de evaluación con los archivos fotográficos del alumno en el momento de la matrícula. Igualmente, con la finalidad de dotar a la prueba de evaluación de contenido probatorio de cara a revisiones o impugnaciones de la misma, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente, la prueba de evaluación será grabada.

Legitimación: cumplimiento de obligaciones legales (Ley de Universidades) y demás normativa estatal y autonómica vigente.

Destinatarios: prestadores de servicios titulares de las plataformas en las que se realicen las pruebas con los que la Universidad de Jaén tiene suscritos los correspondientes contratos de acceso a datos.

Plazos de conservación: los establecidos en la normativa aplicable. En el supuesto en concreto de las grabaciones de los exámenes, mientras no estén cerradas las actas definitivas y la prueba de evaluación pueda ser revisada o impugnada.

Derechos: puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación, oposición, supresión, limitación y portabilidad remitiendo un escrito a la dirección postal o electrónica indicada anteriormente. En el supuesto que considere que sus derechos han sido vulnerados, puede presentar una reclamación ante el Consejo de Transparencia y Protección de Datos de Andalucía www.ctpdandalucia.es


Responsable del tratamiento: Universidad de Jaén, Paraje Las Lagunillas, s/n; Tel.953 212121; www.ujaen.es

Delegado de Protección de Datos (DPO): TELEFÓNICA, S.A.U. ; Email: dpo@ujaen.es

Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestionar la adecuada grabación de las sesiones docentes con el objetivo de hacer posible la enseñanza en un escenario de docencia multimodal y/o no presencial.

Plazo de conservación: Las imágenes serán conservadas durante los plazos legalmente previstos en la normativa vigente.

Legitimación: Los datos son tratados en base al cumplimiento de obligaciones legales (Ley Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Universidades) y el consentimiento otorgado mediante la marcación de la casilla habilitada a tal efecto.

Destinatarios de los datos (cesiones o transferencias): Toda aquella persona que vaya a acceder a las diferentes modalidades de enseñanza.

Derechos: Ud. podrá ejercitar los derechos de Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación, Portabilidad, Limitación del tratamiento, Supresión o, en su caso, Oposición. Para ejercitar los derechos deberá presentar un escrito en la dirección arriba señalada dirigido al Servicio de Información, Registro y Administración Electrónica de la Universidad de Jaén, o bien, mediante correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico. Deberá especificar cuál de estos derechos solicita sea satisfecho y, a su vez, deberá acompañarse de la fotocopia del DNI o documento identificativo equivalente. En caso de que actuara mediante representante, legal o voluntario, deberá aportar también documento que acredite la representación y documento identificativo del mismo. Asimismo, en caso de considerar vulnerado su derecho a la protección de datos personales, podrá interponer una reclamación ante el Consejo de Transparencia y Protección de Datos de Andalucía www.ctpdandalucia.es